
sudo -u postgres psql
create user myuser with encrypted password 'mypass';

# this is temporary default database, used when you just run `psql`
create database myuser;
grant all privileges on database myuser to myuser;

to allow local user to createdb and seed fixtures you need to


# in one command
sudo su postgres -c "psql -d postgres -c 'ALTER USER myuser WITH SUPERUSER;'"
# allow localhost connection using password (instead of socket with same
sudo vi /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf
# change all 'peer' and 'md5' to 'trust': 
sudo service postgres reload

# test with bash

# allow remote connections; find file with: SHOW config_file;
# on macOD find config folder with ps aux|grep postgres
sudo vi /etc/postgresql/10/main/postgresql.conf
# add: listen_addresses = '*'
# test with
nmap localhost
# 5432/tcp open  postgresql

# check with netstat
netstat -an | grep 5432
# tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN

# check from other computer
# if there is no port 5432 than check firewall on ubuntu or eventual router

test with

psql -U myuser -d mydb -h
# show all databases
# or you can list using SELECT
SELECT datname FROM pg_database;

# list all tables

# Show table definition, describe columns
\d users

# show sequences

# find psql version (note there is a version info as out of first line when you
# enter the console, if server and client are different, both will be shown)
SELECT version();


Learning database is funny and easy, but when you want to do something more complicated than SELECT * FROM products than you need to read documentation.

If you want something more specific data from products table you need to use 7.2. Table Expressions that is:

  • FROM products p INNER JOIN sales s ON = s.product_id where p and s are aliases. In following sql you need to use those aliases p instead products
  • You can create column aliases for columns SELECT *, AS latitude but you can not use in where clause since where clause is logically before select clause (and before alias is created). If you need to use, you need to write that statement twice, or use sql wrapper wich will contain only that where, this example is using concat:

    # this does not work
    SELECT neededfield, CONCAT(firstname, ' ', lastname) as firstlast
    FROM users
    WHERE firstlast = "Bob Michael Jones"
    # contact needs to be written twice: in SELECT and WHERE
    SELECT neededfield, CONCAT(firstname, ' ', lastname) as firstlast
    FROM users
    WHERE CONCAT(firstname, ' ', lastname) = "Bob Michael Jones"
    # or select wrapped
      SELECT neededfield, CONCAT(firstname, ' ', lastname) as firstlast
      FROM users) base
    WHERE firstLast = "Bob Michael Jones"

    ORDER or parsing SQL is

  • ‘FROM’ -> ‘WHERE’ -> GROUP BY -> HAVING -> SELECT -> ORDER BY so you can not use select aliases in where or group by or having. But HAVING can accept aggregate functions (that is HAVING purpose).
  • after processing FROM clause, this new virtual table is checked against search conditions WHERE, for example: WHERE > CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '4 weeks' This filtering is done before processing with GROUP BY and HAVING. So you can not use alias in WHERE SELECT id as as_id FROM table WHERE as_id = 1. You can only use columns that are available to select SELECT id AS as_id FROM table HAVING id = 1.
  • GROUP BY product_id,, p.price, p.cost and HAVING sum(p.price * s.units) > 5000;. If you group by primary key column than you can SELECT any column, but if you group by non primary than you need some 9.20. Aggregate Functions since those columns can be merged.
    • you can group by hour with SELECT date_trunc('hour', created_at), (which can be count(*) FROM users GROUP BY date_trunc('hour', created_at) ORDER BY date_trunc('hour', created_at);. You can reference columns by select position SELECT date_trunc('hour', created_at), count(*) FROM users GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1; Although you can order by expression of columns ORDER BY col1 + col2, you can not use order by with calculated col and expression ORDER BY sum + 1
  • you can group by several columns and select count > 2 and get only first a=Item.reorder("").select('max("id") as max_id').group([:url, :title, :feed_id]).having('count("id") > 1')

I found very interesting paragraph in tutorial for aggregate functions.

It is important to understand the interaction between aggregates and SQL’s WHERE and HAVING clauses. The fundamental difference between WHERE and HAVING is this: WHERE selects input rows before groups and aggregates are computed (thus, it controls which rows go into the aggregate computation), whereas HAVING selects group rows after groups and aggregates are computed. Thus, the WHERE clause must not contain aggregate functions; it makes no sense to try to use an aggregate to determine which rows will be inputs to the aggregates. On the other hand, the HAVING clause always contains aggregate functions. (Strictly speaking, you are allowed to write a HAVING clause that doesn’t use aggregates, but it’s seldom useful. The same condition could be used more efficiently at the WHERE stage.)

… This is more efficient than adding the restriction to HAVING, because we avoid doing the grouping and aggregate calculations for all rows that fail the WHERE check.

Next step is to learn something about 9.8. Data Type Formatting Functions which you can use in grouping.

Some tips:

  • if you want to avoid Division by zero you can use CASE count(column_name) = 0 WHEN 0 THEN 1 ELSE count(column_name) END. Another way is to use COALESCE(NULLIF(column_name,0), 1) . NULLIF is used to show nil, as division by nil is nil. something/NULLIF(column_name,0) If the value of column_name is 0 - result of entire expression will be NULL. Defaults for ORDER BY ASC is NULLS LAST and for desc NULL FIRST so you maybe want to reverse that.
  • FROM WHERE field IN ('a','b') is the same as field = 'a' OR field = 'b'
  • you can use IN, ANY, ALL functions-comparisons
  • substring match WHERE col LIKE '%substr%' or in rails .where("mobile ILIKE ?", '%substr%')
  • unique index regardless of order (two way combination or columns) can be enforced with expressions to build index
      # This index does not cover two direction (oposite case)
      # add_index :interests, [:from_member_profile_id, :to_member_profile_id], unique: true, name: 'uniq_index_on_interests'
      execute <<-SQL
        create unique index uniq_index_on_interests on interests(greatest(from_member_profile_id,to_member_profile_id), least(from_member_profile_id,to_member_profile_id));

Use gem to extent ActiveRecord functionality

Tutorial links Postgresql is better than NoSql because of:

  • transactionality at system level
  • aggregation functions
  • joins across different tables

NoSql has advantage of scaling (horizontal, a lot of new fields) and that you can store semistructured data (social networks)

For full text search in Postgresql, you can use @@ match operator SELECT * FROM posts WHERE tsvector(title || ‘ ‘ || content) @@ plainto_tsquery(‘query-string’);

High availability is implemented with redudant servers hot standby that copy data and accept only read only queries (only master can write data), and warm standby servers that only follow the changes made to primary server (does not accept queries) and wait to be promoted to primary server in case of master failure.

  • UNION (UNION ALL) merges two structurally compatible tables into single table (with duplication)
  • INNER JOIN (LEFT OUTER FULL CROSS) returns rows that match both tables (all rows from left table and matched rows from right, either left or right ie union, cartesian product each by each row)
  • SELECT count(*) WHERE cid <> '123' will not count when cid is NULL
  • is null is proper way to check if null = null or cid = null
  • WHERE cid NOT IN (SELECT wcid FROM t WHERE wcid IS NOT null) we need to check if null is in table since NOT IN will return empty set

  • Online exercises pgexercises. com

Time Date

  • there are 4 types: timestamp, date, time and interval. When you define value use single quotes: DATE '2016-05-22'. For intervals you need to set unit INTERVAL '1 WEEK'
  • for all types there is CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME
  • functions allows you to:
    • create next day DATE '2001-02-01' + INTERVAL '1 DAY'
    • extract weekday EXTRACT(DOW FROM TIMESTAMP '2016')
    • check overlaps (start1, end1) OVERLAPS (start2, end2)
  • typecast can be done: INTERVAL '1 WEEK' or '1 WEEK'::INTERVAL
    • jsonb is much reliable type cast when since json compares as strings link you can select json with SELECT name->'en' from users for full json search you can use type case
      where data::text ilike '%my_str%'
  • to use columns (like $1 or name a.b) you can use
    • string concatenation (a.b || ' MINUTES')::INTERVAL
    • multiplication a.b * INTERVAL '1 MINUTES' (much nicer)
  • you can find records for specific month and year with

    scope :posts_in_month_and_year, ->(month, year) {
      where('MONTH(posts.created_at) = ? AND YEAR(posts.created_at) = ?', month, year)
  • another grouping by day can be SELECT COUNT(*), to_char(date, 'YYY-MM-DD') as 'day' FROM orders GROUP BY 'day' ORDER BY 'day'

Practical example in Ruby on Rails

Complex queries can be written inside database view but that is not easy to maintain since you need migration file for each change. Also database view is created in migration, so we don’t have it with rake db:setup. You can get it with rake db:migrate:reset but this sometimes doesn’t work if we used ActiveRecord in migration files and we later add some validations which (of-course) are not satisfied in the past (and this can be solved with class Product<ActiveRecord::Base;end in migration files).

It’s much easier to write long SQL query and use F.15. hstore functions to simplify representations. You need to install hstore extension link for test and develop db:

sudo psql -d myapp_development -U myuser
#or in one command: 
sudo su postgres -c "psql myapp_test -c 'CREATE EXTENSION hstore;'"

Sometime you can run rake db:migrate:reset to rerun all migration and check if db/schema.rb is in sync.

To detect N+1 queries use gem bullet, and to find most expensive queries use heroku postgres analytics. To measure production queries, you can download database from heroku to a.dump and restore to development database

sudo su postgres
pg_restore -d myapp_development --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost a.dump

and run benchmark

puts Benchmark.measure { Job.active_per_domain_per_tier(domain,1) }

or you can connect to production database (be carefull).

Dump database using DATABASE_URL

# -Fc custom format -Fd directory format
pg_dump -Fc --dbname=$DATABASE_URL > db.dump
# -C for create
pg_restore -C -d db_name db.dump

# when using plain format
pg_dump --dbname=$DATABASE_URL > db.sql
createdb db_name
psql -d db_name -f db.dump

access database_url postgres://username:password@host/db_name

psql -U username -d db_name -h host
# type password

Statistics graph

When you want to show some statistics during some time (time points in sql is GENERATE_SERIES), for example number of deactivated users:

Time series of deactivated users

What I have learned is that when you use series, never apply WHERE since because it will destroy series. Better is to filter in ON statement. Each subsequent joins should be LEFT OUTER JOIN so series survive.

We need COALESCE because on some days we don’t have records, so we put key none ( number is 0)

# put this in controller
if params[:from_date].present?
  @from_date = * params[:from_date].split('-')).to_date
  @from_date = ( - 1.month).to_date
if params[:to_date].present?
  @to_date = * params[:to_date].split('-')).to_date
  @to_date = ( -

@group_by = params[:group_by] || 'day'
case @group_by
when 'day'
  interval_period = '1 day'
  interval = 'YY-MM-DD'
when 'week'
  interval_period = '1 week'
  interval = 'YY-WW'
when 'month'
  interval_period = '1 month'
  interval = 'YY-MM'

query = <<-SQL
  hstore(array_agg(COALESCE(res.role::text,'none')),array_agg(res.number::text) ) AS name_mapping,
  res.datum as datum
    FROM (
      SELECT GENERATE_SERIES( '#{@from_date}'::date, '#{@to_date}'::date, '#{interval_period}')::date
      AS series
    ) AS dt
    ON TO_CHAR(users.updated_at,'#{interval}') = TO_CHAR(dt.series,'#{interval}') AND
      users.status = 0
    GROUP BY dt.series, users.role
) AS res(role, number, datum)
GROUP BY res.datum
ORDER BY res.datum
results = User.find_by_sql(query)
# results group by created_at and domain { 'scuddle' => 3, 'indeed' => 10 } for each date
@heading = "Deactivated users (group by updated_at)"
@labels = {|k| k.datum}
roles = {|k| k.name_mapping.keys}.flatten.uniq.reject {|r| r=='none'}
# TODO make those data arrays in SQL so we do not need to iterate again here
@datasets = add_colors { |r| { label: r).role_to_s, data: { |k| k.name_mapping[r].to_i} } }
render 'stats_line_graph'
# in view file
  <input type="date" name="from_date" value="<%= @from_date %>">
  <input type="date" name="to_date" value="<%= @to_date %>">
  <select name="group_by">
    <option value="day" <%= 'selected="selected"' if @group_by == 'day' %>>Day</option>
    <option value="week" <%= 'selected="selected"' if @group_by == 'week' %>>Week</option>
    <option value="month" <%= 'selected="selected"' if @group_by == 'month' %>>Month</option>
  <input type="submit">
<h4><%= @heading %></h4>

<% if ! @data.present? && ! @datasets.present? %>
    No results
<% end %>
<div id="legend" class="left"></div>
<div class="left m-l-10">
  <%= @message %>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<canvas id="myChart" width="800" height="400"></canvas>
<div id="chartjs-tooltip"></div>

  var data = {
    labels: <%=raw @labels.to_json %>,
    <% if @datasets.present? %>
      <%# for multiple lines %>
      datasets: <%=raw @datasets.to_json %>,
    <% else %>
      <%# for single line %>
      datasets: [
          data: <%=raw @data.to_json %>,
    <% end %>
  <%# %> = function(tooltip) {

      var tooltipEl = $('#chartjs-tooltip');

      if (!tooltip) {
              opacity: 0

      tooltipEl.removeClass('above below');

      var innerHtml = '';
      if (tooltip.labels)
        for (var i = tooltip.labels.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
          innerHtml += [
            '<div class="chartjs-tooltip-section">',
            '   <span class="chartjs-tooltip-key" style="background-color:' + tooltip.legendColors[i].fill + '"></span>',
            '   <span class="chartjs-tooltip-value">' + tooltip.labels[i] + ' - ' + myNewChart.datasets[i].label + '</span>',
        innerHtml = [
          '<div class="chartjs-tooltip-section">',
          '   <span class="chartjs-tooltip-value">' + tooltip.text + '</span>',


          opacity: 1,
          left: tooltip.chart.canvas.offsetLeft + tooltip.x + 'px',
          top: tooltip.chart.canvas.offsetTop + tooltip.y + 'px',
          fontFamily: tooltip.fontFamily,
          fontSize: tooltip.fontSize,
          fontStyle: tooltip.fontStyle,

  var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext("2d");
  var myNewChart = new Chart(ctx).Line(data);

  // legend
  var legendHolder = document.getElementById("legend");
  legendHolder.innerHTML = myNewChart.generateLegend();
  • to find which table has the most rows you can use this
    SELECT schemaname,relname,n_live_tup
    FROM pg_stat_user_tables
    ORDER BY n_live_tup DESC;

Other gems

I found interesting gems:

  • interesting no sql not required data analytics tool INSIGHTS
  • automatic find indexes that are needed for a database
  • trigger a psql function to update counter cache

  • adding uuid
# config/initializers/generators.rb
Rails.application.config.generators do |g|
  g.orm :active_record, primary_key_type: :uuid

# db/migrate/2020....add_pgcrypto_uuid_extension.rb
class AddPgcryptoUuidExtension < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
  def change
    enable_extension 'pgcrypto'

# create_table :users, id: :uuid
# t.belongs_to ... type: :uuid
# t.references ... type: :uuid
  • select last associated nested record, query two tables but show only last from second table using a DISTINCT ON and ORDER BY
    DISTINCT ON (parent_col) *
    FROM parent_table
    JOIN nested_table
    ON = nested_table.parent_table_id
    ORDER BY, nested_table.created_at DESC

  • to skip duplicates when you want to join you can use three ways:
    # use distinct
    select distinct from books join cart_items on cart_items.book_id =
    # use group by
    select count(*) from (select from books join cart_items on cart_items.book_id = group by as b
    select from books join cart_items on cart_items.book_id = group by
    # use nested select subquery
    select count( from books where id in (select distinct book_id from cart_items)
  • use test data (VALUES (1, 'Duke'),(2, 'Mike')) users (id, name)
    # change column type
    ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN column_name TYPE new_type;
    # delete column
    ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;

    delete all rows

    DELETE FROM table_name;
  • inspect time consuming quieries
  • load from mysql dump to postgres
    pgloader mysql://root@localhost/rails_production postgresql://dule@localhost/rails_production

    but I receive error

     mysql: Failed to connect to mysql at "localhost" (port 3306) as user "root": Condition QMYND:MYSQL-UNSUPPORTED-AUTHENTICATION was signalled.

    sudo vi /opt/homebrew/etc/my.cnf

    sudo vi /opt/homebrew/Cellar/mysql/8.0.31/.bottle/etc/my.cnf brew services restart mysql mysql -u root alter user dule@localhost identified with mysql_native_password by ‘dule’;

try to login with new password

mysql -u root -p mysql -u root # this will not work

to revert to passwordless login use

ALTER USER ‘root’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘’; mysql -u root ```

creating a dump using a docker