video TDD helps to write proper tests (so tests don’t have bugs). Tests helps to maintain and refactor code. Also is easier to understand code if test titles are properly constructed. It’s very helpfull is to do test code review in person (pair programming). RTMF (readable, trustworthy, maintainable, fast).

One big mistake is to use mocking too much. Difference between mock object and stub is that mock is verified, but stub is not. Unit of work can have 3 outcomes: return value/exception, noticeable state change and 3th party call (only here should use mock, that code should be less than 5% of all test code). So only when end result should be a call to 3 service, we create mock object. Stub is just data flow get/return.

Don’t specify internal implementation, it’s better to create method that will return result (different result when state change). Example userMgr.createUser('asd','pas') should not test equal(userMgr._internalUsers[0].name,'asd') but it’s better to test ok(login('asd','pas')) because other methods can use different internal implement.

  • don’t mix unit and integration tests (integration are more brittle).
  • keep variable declaration and it’s usage close to each other
  • don’t comment out test, remove them
  • small tests. if method has multiple end results, than create test for each end result and choose good name
  • unit testing controllers: usually initial values (no business logic) and copuling UI actions to services
  • unit testing services: correct business logic
  • unit test directive: inject $compile, manually call $digest() for that scope.
  • e2e protractor ElementArrayFinder uses locators argument


egghead protractor

  • use page objects to define elements, by css, repeater, text
    • this.imgEl = element(by.css('img'));
    • this.rowItems = element.all(by.repeater('row in vm.rows'));
    • this.elWithText = element(by.xpath("//*[contains(text(),'Log in')]"));
  • action
    • browser.get('/index.html');
    • page.emailInput.sendKeys('[email protected]' + protractor.Key.TAB + 'asdasd');need to be inside same sandKeys
  • expectations
    • expect(page.imgEl.getAttribute('src')).toMatch(/image.png$/);
    • expect(page.rowItems.count()).toBeGreatedThan(5);
    • expect(element(by.binding('')).isPresent()).toBe(true); that is ``
    • expect(page.someEl.isDisplayed()).toBe(true, "Should be displayed"); is different from isPresent()


Debugging using browser.pause() to get WebDriver control flow, than c to move to next webdriver command, d to next debugger statement, repl to get interactive mode where you can element(by.css('red')).isEnabled(). Chrome Dev Tools does not work in this regime

The same debug/repl is with browser.debugger() and call with protractor debug

Run single test with protractor protractor.conf.js --specs e2e/login/oauth.spec.js During test we use angular inject and module. When we inject _flash_ , Angular knows that service flash should be injected (_ are ignored_)

# src/app/compoments/mycomponent/
describe("myService", function() {
  var httpBackend, scope, ctrl;
  beforeEach(inject(function($httpBackend, $scope, $controller){
    httpBackend = $httpBackend;
    scope = $scope;
    ctrl = $controller('myService', {$scope: scope});

  it("should load phones.json", function(){
    httpBackend.expectGET('phones.json').respond([{name: 'A1'}]);
    expect(scope.phones).toEqual([{name: 'A1'}]);
  • expectGet is expecting request so it fails when there are no requests

Instead of $httpBackend we could create a mock apiService video

# src/app/compoments/mycomponent/
describe('Controller: MainCtrl', function () {
  var MainCtrl;
  var scope;
  var apiService;
  var status;
  var q;

  beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $rootScope, $q) {
    q = $q;
    scope = $rootScope.$new();
    MainCtrl = $controller('MainCtrl', {
        $scope: scope,
        ControllerApi: apiService
  beforeEach(function () {
    status = { "temperatureCelsius": "22" }
    apiService = {
      getSettings: function () {
        deferred = q.defer();
        return deferred.promise;
      updateSettings: function () {
  it('should request current status during init', function () {
    spyOn(apiService, 'getStatus').andCallThrough();





Jasmine have similar syntax to rspec.

  • describe it (prefix with x to disable suite or specifix spec)
  • spyOn(foo, 'setBar') is a spy (test double is defined with foo={setBar: function(v) {}}; that can track calls and arguments with this two matchers expect(foo.setBar).toHaveBeenCalled(); and expect(foo.setBar).toHaveBeenCalledWith(123)
  • Chain spy with spyOn(foo, 'getBar').andCallThrough(); to actually delegate to implementation. Chain spy with spyOn(foo, 'getBar').andReturn(745); so all calls to foo.getBar will return 745 (similar to .andCallFake(function(){});)
  • To create a mock with multiple spies with one command, use tape = jasmine.createSpyObj('tape', ['play','pause']);.