Rails Tips
Some usefull validations, like validate email regexp
validates :email, format: { with: /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i }
validates :email, format: { with: User.email_regexp, allow_blank: true }
validates :email, uniqueness: { scope: :user_id }
When validating associations, always is _id
since we use that in select input
inside form (don’t validate object validates :job_type, presence: true
error will not be shown on :job_type_id
validates :job_type_id, presence: true
<%= f.select :job_type_id, Job.all.map { |job| [job.name, job.id] }, {
prompt: true }, class: 'my-class' %>
NOTE that in Rails 5.2 we do not need to add presence validations but if you
want to disable you can do with belongs_to :job_type, optional: true
You should avoid saving without validation save(validate: false)
update_attribute :name, 'my name'
. It is risky to save without validations.
Other methods also do not check validation
, @users.update_all
Conditional validations can be used with proc new like validate :a, if: ->(o) {
but with parameters. Also if: lambda {|a| }
(difference in required params
to block)
validates :password, confirmation: true, if: Proc.new { |a|
Validate occurs :on
by default (but you can not use validate :d, on:
). http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_validations.html#on you
can split and specify to run on on: :create
or on: :update
. To run
validation on destroy you need hook before_destroy
where you can errors.add
and return false
so hook reverts.
DO NOT USE VALIDATION FOR BUSINESS LOGIC (except validation for columns), FOR EXAMPLE DO NOT CREATE VALIDATION THAT AT LEAST ONE LOCATION USER SHOULD BE ADMIN. This is bad, since you need to follow that validation in all tests (and you can not destroy current location user, but you need to create another admin location user). BETTER IS TO USE SERVICES IN CONTROLLER ON UPDATE AND DESTROY result = UpdateOrDestroyLocationUser.new(current_user, current_location).update params
NOTE THAT YOU SHOULD NOT USE HOOKS… Better is to just call a method where
needed, because you will not needed it always (for example in tests you want
different value) If you really need (default value that you really want) than
please use ||= conditional assignment
Default value for column could be in migration but than you need another
migration if you want to change value. If we put on after_initialize
than it is called also when you read object (that
is required if you want to change default values for existing objects) If you
have validates :logo
than you can not put on before_save :default_logo
validation will fail before that. We need before_validation
which occurs only
on update and create.
Note that business logic could be that some fields could be cleared. For example
some logo is default value, but someone could completely remove logo.
So you need to separate default_values_on_create
(which could get nil
on update some fields)
# do not use after initialize since it will be run on every load
# after_initialize :default_values_on_initialize
before_validation :_default_values_on_create, on: :create
before_validation :_default_values_on_update, on: :update
before_save :_clear_unchecked_values
def _default_values_on_create
self.logo ||= Rails.application.secrets.default_restaurant_logo
# do not use self.some_true_value ||= true since that will override if
# some_true_value = false
self.some_true_value = true if some_true_value.nil?
# http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_callbacks.html#halting-execution
# return value should be true or nil
TO calculate some files you can use after_save :update_total
. Do not use
after_update :update_total
since you can not update in that method.
Custom validations validate :my_method
or validate { |customer|
customer.check_permissions }
should add errors
to the object (return value is
not important and could be false).
class Customer
def my_method
errors.add(:name) if name != 'Duke'
def check_permissions
errors.add(:name) if name != 'Duke'
Default Order
Do not use default_scope
, since you need to use .reoder
instead of .order
If you really want to use, here is example:
default_scope { order('created_at DESC') }
Usually default scope is not good practice (except for order). Even to trashable concern is bad usage, for example if you use trashed on user and comments model
rails g migration add_trashed_to_users trashed:boolean
rails g migration add_trashed_to_comments trashed:boolean
# user.rb & comment.rb
default_scope { where(trashed: nil) }
scope :trashed, -> { unscoped.where(trashed: true) }
scope :by_status_param, -> (status_argument) { where status: status_argument }
scope :for_user, (lambda do |user|
where user: user
than query User.first.comments.trashed
will return all trashed comments from
ALL users! unscoped
will remove even association scopes, thanks Joseph
Ndungu on
Uncope can receive params what to unscope, example User.unscope(:where)
. If
you use this in belongs_to :location, -> { unscope :where }
than it will also
remove association belongs to condition, so you have to unscoped only columns
from default_scope belongs_to :location, -> { unscope where: :operator_id }
excellent link how to remove
I usually create additional classes with self.default_scopes = []
so it does
not use default scope. Also set table name so I can use sql.
foreign_key is "#{model}_id"
, class_name is "#{model.capitalize}"
and it
should be used on both sides (belongs_to and has_many)
class UnscopedCustomer < Customer
self.default_scopes = []
self.table_name = "customers"
belongs_to :unscoped_company, foreign_key: :company_id
class UnscopedCompany < Company
self.default_scopes = []
self.table_name = "companies"
has_many :customers, foreign_key: :company_id
Format date
Write datetime in specific my_time format https://apidock.com/ruby/DateTime/strftime https://www.foragoodstrftime.com
Time.zone.now.strftime '%F %T'
You can see default date formats but they are used only when locales are used (for example byebug in a view)
(byebug) I18n.translate('date.formats.default')
(byebug) Date.today.to_s :default
(byebug) l Date.today, format: :default
So I override default to_s (output). For parsing (input) best way is to use
month name in select date 2/Nov/2001
so it can parse collectly. For inputs
with two numbers it can not guess the month or date 2/3/2000
so you need to
use Date.strptime '2/3/2000' , '%m/%d/%y'
to return 3 Februar.
# config/initializers/date_time_formats.rb
# https://api.rubyonrails.org/v6.1.4/classes/DateTime.html#method-i-to_formatted_s
# https://apidock.com/ruby/DateTime/strftime
# all 3 classes
# puts user.updated_at.to_s :myapp_time
# puts Time.now.to_s :myapp_time
# puts Date.today.to_time :myapp_time # Date need to be type casted to Time
# puts Time.now.to_date :myapp_date # Time object to Date if we want myapp_date
Time::DATE_FORMATS[:default] = "%d-%b-%Y %I:%M %p" # this is same as for
# datepicker format = 'DD-MMM-YYYY h:mm A'
Time::DATE_FORMATS[:at_time] = ->(time) { time.strftime("%b %e, %Y @ %l:%M %p") }
Date::DATE_FORMATS[:myapp_date] = ->(date) { date.strftime("%b %e, %Y") }
# 9th November 1988
Date::DATE_FORMATS[:myapp_date_ordinalize] = ->(date) { date.strftime("#{date.day.ordinalize} %b %Y") }
and Date.today
are using system time. If you are using
than timezone will be set for each request.
In Rails 6 you do not need a gem, just include one js file and use around action
But if you
need something from rails console, you need to set timezone manually.
Time.zone = 'Belgrade'
(list all in rake time:zones:all
Problem is that the name is different
Time.zone.to_s # "(GMT+01:00) Europe/Belgrade"
Time.zone.name # "Europe/Belgrade"
ActiveSupport::TimeZone.all.map &:to_s # [ ..."(GMT+01:00) Belgrade"
ActiveSupport::TimeZone.all.map &:name # [ ..."Belgrade"
# so we need to use utc_offset or time_zone.tzinfo.name
ActiveSupport::TimeZone.all.select { |timezone| timezone.utc_offset == Time.zone.utc_offset }
ActiveSupport::TimeZone.all.select { |timezone| Time.zone.name.include? timezone.tzinfo.name }.first
# group by utc_offset
It is good to always use Time.zone.now
. Rails helpres use zone (1.day.from_now
Change system timezone (which is used by browsers) with sudo dpkg-reconfigure
. Note that rails c
uses UTC Time.zone # => "UTC"
, but byebug in
rails s returns default time zone Time.zone # CEST Europe
will return offset to UTC in seconds. I do not know
why Time.zone.utc_offset
returns different results (3600 instead of 7200).
When parsing user input you should use .zone
in methods like
Time.zone.parse '2010-01-02 09:00:00'
Date.zone.parse '2010-01-02 09:00:00'
- prefer using
, andDate.current
- to get weekday from
use linkweekday = t.to_a[6]
- to get a weekday from a date use
(0-6, Sunday is zero)d.cwday
(1-7. Sunday is 7, Moday is 1)- to get first calendar date
- get interval for previous month:
'Last Month': [Time.zone.today.prev_month.at_beginning_of_month, Time.zone.today.prev_month.at_end_of_month],
- get interval for previous month:
- to get month date use
Multiline render js response
Write long string in multiple lines with %()
, for example:
format.js do
render js: %(
$('##{key}').replaceWith('#{view_context.j view_context.render partial: 'product_table', locals: { products: Product.send( key).all, product_type_string: key.to_s}} ');
format.js { render js: "windnw.location.assign('#{user_path}');" }
If you receive a lot of errors An ActionView::MissingTemplate occurred in
Missing template customer/sessions/new, customer_application/new,
application/new with {:locale=>[:in, :en], :formats=>["Application/*"],
:variants=>[], :handlers=>[:erb, :builder, :raw, :ruby, :coffee, :jbuilder]}.
Searched in:
on some landing or login pages than simply add:
# app/controllers/home_controller.rb
class HomeController < ApplicationController
respond_to :html
def index
respond_with do |format|
format.html { render :index }
format.any { render :index }
Another solution to respond to all formats is to add formats
# app/controllers/home_controller.rb
class HomeController < ApplicationController
def index
render :index, formats: [:html]
So this will render index for any type of requests
curl http://loc:3001
curl http://loc:3001 -H "Accept: application/json"
Textarea should be autosized (download
from dist/
folder). Put below your textarea for ajax responses
and put in your main.js file on jQuery load.
<%# app/views/forms/_form.html.erb %>
<%= f.text_area :title %>
<%= javascript_tag "autosize($('textarea'))" if request.xhr? %>
// app/assets/javascripts/main.js.erb
$(function() {
Upload file
Since default file button does not look nice we just hide it (android has some
probles when it is hidden, so we just move it), and use label to trigger it and
on change
we submit the form. Note that we use id
because we could have more
than one form on a page.
<%# _suppression_list.html.erb %>
<div class="pull-right">
<%= form_tag import_suppression_path(suppression_list), multipart:true, class: 'pull-right' do %>
<span data-chosen-filename></span>
<%= label_tag :file, 'Upload CSV', for: "upload-file-#{suppression_list.id}", style: 'display:inline' %>
<%= file_field_tag :file, id: "upload-file-#{suppression_list.id}", 'data-upload-file': true, style: 'position:absolute; top: -1000px' %>
<% end %>
# javascripts/leads.coffee
$(document).on 'change', '[data-upload-file]', (e) ->
console.log("upload csv")
file = this.files[0]
allowedExtensions = /^(text\/csv)$/
$(this).closest('form').find("[data-chosen-filename]").text this.value
if (this.files.length == 0 )
alert("Please chose one csv file")
if(! allowedExtensions.test(file.type))
alert("File type is not allowed")
Show all databases in postgresql, first change user to postgres
sudo su -l postgres
# or in one command
sudo -u postgres psql
\connect database_name
In rails you can access database using ‘rails db’ and see table definition
rails db
\d users
Active record
arel https://blog.saeloun.com/2021/10/19/rails-arel-primer https://gist.github.com/ProGM/c6df08da14708dcc28b5ca325df37ceb
- one issue is when you use different table name
self.table_name = 'something_other'
than relations could not be picked correctly -
union is not supported issue 929 but you can try with raw sql and
statement. Union should have same number and type of columns. Also use.from([Arel.sql('...')])
sql = <<~SQL ( ( SELECT id, location_id, package_saleid, subscriber_id, subscriber_name, location_package_id, sale_date, -total_amount_cents as total_amount_cents, total_amount_currency, subscriber_invoice_id, (bytes_uploaded_total + bytes_downloaded_total) as total_data_used FROM location_package_sales ) UNION ( SELECT id, location_id, balance_refillid as package_saleid, NULL as subscriber_id, 'refill' as subscriber_name, NULL as location_package_id, created_at as sale_date, refill_amount_cents as total_amount_cents, refill_amount_currency as total_amount_currency, NULL as subscriber_invoice_id, NULL as total_data_used FROM location_balance_refills ) ) AS location_package_sales_or_location_balance_refills SQL @all_location_package_sales_or_location_balance_refills = LocationPackageSaleOrLocationBalanceRefill .includes(:location, :customer, :subscriber_invoice, :location_package) .from([Arel.sql(sql)]) .where(location_id: current_location)
and model
# this model is based on database view location_package_sale_or_location_balance_refills class LocationPackageSaleOrLocationBalanceRefill < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :location belongs_to :subscriber belongs_to :location_package belongs_to :subscriber_invoice include Monetable monetize_columns :total_amount, :price_to_location_with_tax def refill? subscriber_name == 'refill' end end
- execute sql from rails console. When you run sql result is iteratable (array of arrays of selected fields).
s = 'SELECT * FROM users'
r = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute s
r.each { |l| puts l }
- to find table name
ApplicationRecord.connection.table_exists? :user_sessions
or to see which database is usedrails runner "puts ActiveRecord::Base.configurations['development']" rails runner "puts ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env]" # new version bundle exec rails runner "puts ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.configs_for(env_name: Rails.env).to_s" # or ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.configs_for(env_name: Rails.env).last.adapter
- for single item, always use
instead of@post.delete
because it propagates to allhas_many :comments, dependent: :destroy
(also need to define this dependent param).destroy
could be slow if there are a lot of dependent items, so in that case you can usedependent: :delete_all
since it runs sql delete statement instead of loading each active record and call destroy on it. https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Associations/ClassMethods.html If you use delete or use destroy withouthas_many dependent: destroy
thanActiveRecord::InvalidForeignKey: SQLite3::ConstraintException: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed
for sqlite db… For mysql and postgres, error will be triggered if there are foreign keys defined. - for multiple items
will run one by one (triggering callbacks) so it is probably slow, so it is better to usePost.delete_all
which will remove in single sql query. To prevent foreign keys errors, you should firstComment.where(post: Post.all).delete_all
and than callPost.delete_all
. Watch out if you call delete_all on collection proxypost.comments.delete_all
Default strategy is :nullify
ie keep row, but set post_id = nil
. So always
use has_many :association, dependent: :destroy
so it will not use nullify
but delete_all
Add json and hstore
Note that you can use simple text column (without default value) and add
serialize :preferences, Hash
in your model, so user.prefereces # => {}
defined for initial empty value.
You can not search serialized columns (you are limited to reading and writing
data) User.where(params: { a: 1 })
gives error. You can only use raw sql, for
example User.where('params = ?', { a: 1}.to_yaml)
Adding array of any type and hstore is easy, just add default value []
(breaks for {}
). You can create hstore extension in migration. If you
need arrays of hstore than you need to go for json or jsonb (better optimization
only pq 9.4) or json/jsonb array.
class CreatePhones < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
execute "create extension hstore"
create_table :phones do |t|
t.string :my_array, array: true, default: []
t.hstore :my_hash, default: ''
t.jsonb :my_json, default: []
t.jsonb :my_array_of_json, array: true, default: []
DB user need to be superuser to be able to create extension. If you need to
run rake db:migrate:reset
to rerun all migration to check if db/schema is in
sync, than the best way is to alter user to have superuser privil sudo su
postgres -c "psql -d postgres -c 'ALTER USER orlovic WITH SUPERUSER;'"
orlovic is database username (you can see those usernames - roles using
pqadmin visual program)
You can enable hstore manually
link sudo psql -d
Scuddle_app_development -U orlovic
or in one
command: sudo su postgres -c "psql Scuddle_app_test -c 'CREATE EXTENSION
. You should do this also for test and development database. If
you don’t know database name you can use rails
sudo su postgres -c "psql `rails runner 'puts ActiveRecord::Base.configurations["production"]["database"]'` -c 'CREATE EXTENSION hstore;'"
Postgres tips
- you should explicitly add timestamps with
upgrade postgres from 9.3 to 9.4 link
wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add - sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ precise-pgdg main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/postgresql.list' # Also probably optional but I like to update sources and upgrade sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.4 sudo pg_dropcluster 9.4 main --stop sudo pg_upgradecluster 9.3 main sudo pg_dropcluster 9.3 main
- log levels in Rails https://guides.rubyonrails.org/debugging_rails_applications.html#log-levels
# :debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal, :unknown are levels from 0 to 5 config.log_level = :warn # 2
To disable mute sql logs in rails logger put this in initializer file
# config/initializers/silent_sql_log.rb ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = Logger::INFO
to enable sql logs in rails console
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
To show file location where query is triggered
ActiveRecord::Base.verbose_query_logs = true
to disable assets logs use this
# config/environments/development.rb config.assets.quiet = true
to allow any user to log in to database, ie any user in config/database.yml even without password, you need to change postgres config:
sudo vi /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf # change all this words [md5, ident, peer] to trust sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
create one user:
sudo su - postgres psql postgres CREATE ROLE "orlovic" WITH CREATEDB LOGIN; \q # you can remove with DROP ROLE orlovic; # or you can change anything on role # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/sql-alterrole.html # if you need uppercased (it was created `orlovic` instead of `Orlovic`) ALTER ROLE orlovic RENAME TO "Orlovic"; # or pgadmin3 # login as postgres without password and chage it to Orlovic # create database is with linux command createdb # this will create db with same name as current user createdb orlovic
- you can use production database locally with url from heroku config env
HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_CRIMSON_URL: postgres://flvmstxfdk:[email protected]:5432/d5ttgvqpjs1ftb
and put it insideconfig/database.yml
underurl: postgres://[email protected]:123/asd
item -
you can use rails counter cache with
belongs_to :author, counter_cache: true
but than you need to haveauthors.books_count
column. It is easier to have sql for counter cache same as in consoleAuthor.select(%(authors.*, (SELECT COUNT(books.id) FROM books WHERE author_id = authors.id) AS books_count))
# app/models/author.rb class Author < ApplicationRecord scope :with_counts, -> { select <<~SQL authors.*, ( SELECT COUNT(books.id) FROM books WHERE author_id = authors.id ) AS books_count SQL } end # app/controllers/authors_controller.rb @authors = Author.with_counts.all @author = Author.with_counts.find params[:id] # app/views/authors/index.html.erb <% @authors.each do |author| %> <% autor.books_count %> <% end %> <%= @author.books_count %>
but remember, using
have a problem with custom name calculated columns, so better is to use left join.
rails g model user email_address
will generate migration and model. It is good to editlast_migration
and addnull: false
to not null fields (particularly for foreign keys and enums) also usefull since in sqlwhere col != NULL
will not return any value (alsowhere NULL = NULL
), you need to usewhere col IS NOT NULL
(which is default for active record.where.not(col: nil)
). So better is to usefalse
sincewhere col != false
will return some results. Also for string fieldsif user.status != 'active'
will be true is status isnil
. Add indexadd_index :users, :email_address, unique: true
… if you want to add index in different step (not int.references :c, index: false
because name is too long (error likeIndex name 'index_table_column' on table 'table' is too long; the limit is 64 characters
) than you can use different name in separate add_index command (can not rename in same command). NOTE that you need to use exact column name (with_id
)add_index :users, :company_id, name: 'index company on users'
change_index does not exists, we need to remove_index and add_index https://github.com/gregnavis/active_record_doctor to help you find columns without index- In migration Product.save will probably break in the future, because Product
will be validated for something that we did not know on that time.
We can call
Product.update_all fuzz: 'fuzzy'
orProduct.update_all 'new_col = old_col'
to update all records in single sql query, without triggering callbacks or validations. You can also replace substring for example:User.update_all('email = REPLACE(email, "a", "x")')
Better is to create local class and call reset column information. Also if we are adding not null column we need to do it in two steps to populate existing records.
# db/migrate/20161010121212_update_fuzz.rb
class UpdateFuzz < ActiveRecord::Migration
# this is local Product class used only inside this migration
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
def change
add_column :products, :fuzz, :string
# reset schema infor is needed since new or renamed columns will be ignored
# on "save" or 'update_all'
# Product.reset_column_information
# check with Product.columns or Product.column_names
Product.update_all fuzz: 'fuzzy'
Product.find_each { |product| product.save! }
change_column :products, :fuzz, :string, null: false
to change type from string to integer (using cast)
class ChangeScoreTypeInFilledAnswers < ActiveRecord::Migration def up change_column :filled_answers, :score, 'integer USING CAST(score AS integer)' end def down change_column :filled_answers, :score, :string end end
- use db/seed.rb to add some working data (users, products) that should not go to production. add data to migration file if something needs to be in db (select box, customer plans)
- when you restore database you can see that list of performed migrations
rake db:migrate:status
does not show that any migration was perfomed. You can manually perform run specific single or all migrations ~~~status
rake db:migrate:status
all including until this version
rake db:migrate VERSION=20161114162031`
only this migration file
rake db:migrate:up VERSION=20161114162031`
reverse if it is reversible
rake db:migrate:down VERSION=20161114162031`
to remove migration so you can redo
mysql> DELETE FROM schema_migrations WHERE version = 20210316092150; 20161114162031;
or insert if table is already there
mysql> insert into schema_migrations (version) values (‘20200915080301’);
if you want to redo migration (revert and migrate again) you can use `redo`
To drop database in console you can `ActiveRecord::Migration.drop_table(:users)`
* you can use `rake db:migrate:redo STEP=2` to redo last two migrations, or you
can run all migrations to certain point with `rake db:migrate
VERSION=20161114162031` (note that `db:migrate:up` `:down` only run one
* `rake db:migrate` will also invoke `db:schema:dump` task
* to check current metaga data, for example schema enviroment you can run
rails runner "ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('select * from ar_internal_metadata').each {|r|puts r}"
# or for test database
rails runner "ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('select * from ar_internal_metadata').each {|r|puts r}" -e test
* to change column null false to true (to add NOT NULL constraint) for example
adding new not null column to existing table
# add column without constrain
add_column :families, :kind, :string
# populate
Family.all.find_each do |family|
# add not null constain, third param is whether the value can be NULL
# add a contrain
change_column_null :families, :kind, false
# drop a contrain (allows to be null)
change_column_null :families, :kind, true
## Has_many through
`has_many :roles; has_many :projects, through: roles` can be used for many to
many associations. You can automatically add new role, no need to `user.save`.
user.roles.create project: project
user.projects « project
(habtm) can be generated with `rails g migration create_campaigns_templates
campaign:references template:references` and add `id: false` as
Note that both model names are plural.
But rubocop suggest to use separate model for habtm relation (in that case I use
singular first model).
class CreateCampaignsTemplates < ActiveRecord::Migration def change create_table :campaign_templates, id: false do |t| t.references :campaign, foreign_key: true, null: false t.references :template, foreign_key: true, null: false
end end end ~~~
and adding has_and_belongs_to_many :templates
in those classes.
You can force uniq with add_index :campaign_templates, [:campaign_id,
:template_id], unique: true
and check in rails with
# add if not exists
campaign.templates << template unless campaign.templates.include? template
# remove
campaign.templates.delete template
If you have different name of the table: t.references :donor, foreign_key:
true, null: false
but donor is actually in users table, than you need to change
foreign key (note that add_foreign_key
params are in plurals!)
# to_table is in rails5 table_name, in model use class_name: 'User'
t.references :donor, foreign_key: { to_table: :users }, null: false
# in rails4 use references keyword also as parameter, not that foreight key
# constrains need to be added in separate command. note suffix "_id"
t.references :donor, foreign_key: false, null: false, references: :users
add_foreign_key :table, :users, column: :donor_id
or manually write relation
create_table :donations
t.belongs_to :donor, index: true, null: false
add_foregn_key :donations, :users, column: :donor_id
Also in model you need to write: has_many :donations, foreign_key: :donor_id
and belongs_to :donor, class_name: "User"
. If you need to specify class name
in has_many through association, use option source: :user
Note that t.references
should be used with foreign_key: true, null: false
since foreign_key is not automatically used (t.references
automatically add
, so use index: false
if you going to create composite index).
Note that t.belongs_to
by default use index: false
, so you need to use
index: true
(or add_index
later) (add_column :users, :token, :string,
index: true
will not create index, you need to use add_index
But usually you use add_foreign_key
will also add index (name will be like: fk_rails_123123
) if it is not added by
belongs_to, so you can safelly use t.belongs_to ... index: false
if you are
using add_foregn_key
For MySql I have to use unsigned: true
in t.belongs_to :user, null: false,
unsigned: true
or for t.references :user, unsigned: true
You can add column at specific location add_column :feeds, :last_modified,
:datetime, after: :url
(after column does not work in psql since you need to
change table) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27214251/postgresql-add-column-after-option-usage-in-rails-migration
If you need to update specific fields of association, add validation or cdd
ustom order then you should create the model and use has_many :templates,
through: campaign_templates, order: 'campaign_templates.created_at ASC'
Note that here we user singular first part so model name looks better
class CampaignTemplate < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :campaign
belongs_to :template
If you accidentaly use belongs_to :templates
(pluralized) than error is
undefined method relation_delegate_class' for Templates:Module
Database indexes
Indexes should be on all columns that are references in WHERE, HAVING, ORDER
parts of sql.
For example if you find using specific column User.find_by! column: 'val'
. Use
bang version instead of @user = User.find_by name: 'Duke'
since that will
return nil
instead of raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound unless @user
Also we can add index to :updated_at
column since we sometimes order by
that column.
All foreign keys need to have index.
You can use add_reference
(adding column and index) note that second param is
in singular.
If you want to add or remove reference in migration rails g migration
add_user_to_leads user:references
(note plurar here) which will generate
class AddUserToLeads < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
# reference will automatically include index on that column
add_reference :leads, :contact, foreign_key: true
For polymorphic associations projectable_id
and projectable_type
you can
create in migration rails g model project projectable:references{polymorphic}
class Organization < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :projects, :as => :projectable
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :projects, :as => :projectable
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :projectable, :polymorphic => true
You can eager load polymorphic association without where conditions on other tables https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Associations/ClassMethods.html#module-ActiveRecord::Associations::ClassMethods-label-Eager+loading+of+associations
Since only one table is loaded at a time, conditions or orders cannot reference tables other than the main one. If this is the case, Active Record falls back to the previously used LEFT OUTER JOIN based strategy. For example:
if you use conditions on polymorphic table than
ActiveRecord::EagerLoadPolymorphicError is raised.
since it can not join table name based on name stored in column
but you can specify relations
For using in where you need to define specific associations (note: you need to
add optional: true
class Notification < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :notifiable, polymorphic: true
# notifiable: Comment, Task, Project need to implement subscribed_users since
# we send body text to them
belongs_to :comment, -> { where notifications: { notifiable_type: 'Comment' } }, foreign_key: :notifiable_id, optional: true
belongs_to :task, -> { where notifications: { notifiable_type: 'Task' } }, foreign_key: :notifiable_id, optional: true
scope :for_comments_on_tasks, (lambda do
.where(comments: { commentable_type: 'Task' })
When you create you can use references
and polymorphic: true
t.references :featureable, polymorphic: true, null: false
If you add one by one column than you need to add double index:
t.string :projectable_type
t.integer :projectable_id
# Bad: This will not improve the lookup speed
add_index :projects, :projectable_id
add_index :projects, :projectable_type
# Good: This will create the proper index
add_index :projects, [:projectable_type, :projectable_id]
You can add unique index on some existing columns (to see
validation error instead of database esception, should also be in rails
validates :email, uniqueness: { scope: :user_id }
class AddUniqContacts < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_index :contacts, [:email, :user_id], unique: true
# partial index
add_index :contacts, [:email, :user_id], unique: true, where: ""
When you have composite index than you do not need to create index for first column (ie you can perform fast query on first column or on first and second column, but not on second column), but still need index for second column (or add index in reverse direction) https://github.com/gregnavis/active_record_doctor#removing-extraneous-indexes
You can also create ordered index (for example listing all posts and users sorted alphabetically).
add_index :users_posts, [:user_id, :post_id], order: { user_id: :desc }
Do not add index for tables that has a lot or removing, since perfomance will be bad. Also huge tables need huge indexes, so pay attention on size.
Remove index and foreign key if you want to remove column
remove_foreign_key :online_payment_responses, :location_packages
remove_column :online_payment_responses, :location_package_id
if index_exists?(:online_payment_responses, name: 'fk_rails_b36eeaa704')
remove_index :online_payment_responses, name: 'fk_rails_b36eeaa704'
In mysql sometimes LIMIT 10
is slower than LIMIT 100
since it won’t use
index for small stuff, but if table is huge than it’s much slower without index.
To force index use something like User.from("'users' FORCE INDEX
If you receive error undefined method map for "'users' FORCE INDEX
than you can try to replace
with joins
https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/innodb-deadlock-example.html http://api.rubyonrails.org/v5.1/classes/ActiveRecord/Locking/Pessimistic.html http://www.chriscalender.com/advanced-innodb-deadlock-troubleshooting-what-show-innodb-status-doesnt-tell-you-and-what-diagnostics-you-should-be-looking-at/
For errors
Mysql2::Error: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
Mysql2::Error: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction: UPDATE
you can see examples on https://github.com/duleorlovic/deadlock_mysql
To get latest deadlock in mysql run msql> SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS
will wait untill it is free to lock this farmer.
alert = nil
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
if something_wrong?
alert = 'Can not ...'
raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
if alert
Race conditions
When you have a lot of users and long db update commands than you probably have exceptions for deadlocks and duplicate entries. You can retry https://speakerdeck.com/rstankov/zero-exceptions-in-production?slide=71
# app/controllers/users_controller.rb
def update
retries ||= 2
# perform some long task and in another browser and thread try to lock it
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
retries -= 1
raise unless retries.nonzero?
- if you have
/home/orlovic/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.4/gems/mysql2-0.4.4/lib/mysql2.rb:31:in require: libmysqlclient.so.18: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - /home/orlovic/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.4/gems/mysql2-0.4.4/lib/mysql2/mysql2.so (LoadError)
than trygem uninstall mysql2;gem install mysql2
on mac os if you have
Mysql2::Error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
than create a link to socket file whish is located usingmysql_config --socket
ormysqladmin variables
sudo mkdir /var/run/mysqld sudo ln -s /tmp/mysql.sock /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
create mysql user
mysql -u root -p CREATE USER 'myuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'asdf'; # list all SELECT User FROM mysql.user; # change password SET PASSWORD FOR 'user-name-here'@'hostname-name-here' = PASSWORD('new-password-here');
restore mysql sql dump
mysql -u myuser -pMYPASSWORD my_database_name < tmp/web001db.sql
create database with specific character set
or in
withdevelopment: adapter: mysql2 encoding: ascii
On Heroku it is better to use JawsDB MySQL than ClearDB MySQL since it has more MB in for free usage.
to chech if mysql database exists use mysqlshow
exists = capture("echo $(mysqlshow --user=#{env.db_user} --password=#{env.db_pass} #{env.db_name} | grep -V Wildcard | grep -o #{env.db_name})") if exists.strip.size == 0 # does not exists
is shorthand for $(document).ready(function(){})
(and is not the
same as $(document).on('ready', function(){})
) and it is when DOM is ready. If
you need to know when all images and iframes are loaded than use
$(window).on('load', function() {})
Turbolinks is installed with adding gem 'turbolinks'
and include in
application.js //= require turbolinks
Turbolinks intercepts all clicks on links to the same domain. When you click an eligible link, Turbolinks prevents the browser from following it. Instead, Turbolinks changes the browser’s URL using the History API, requests the new page using XMLHttpRequest, and then renders the HTML response.
During rendering, Turbolinks replaces the current <body> element outright and merges the contents of the <head> element. The JavaScript window and document objects, and the HTML <html> element, persist from one rendering to the next.
With turbolinks rails acts as single page application. It will intercept <a>
links, but if you want to redirect using javascript window.location
than you
can use Turbolinks.visit link
, for example
$(document).on 'click', '[data-click]', (e) ->
Turbolinks.visit $(this).data('click')
Each visit can be advance
or replace
, than can be set with
or Turbolinks.visit link, { action:
'replace' })
visit is when we click Back
and can not be canceled.
You can disable turbolink on specific link with data-turbolinks="false"
Since window
and document
remains, all objects remain in memory.
So if you want to do something on every page and on first load than you need to
bind on turbolinks:load
Without turbolinks it would be on ready_page_load.coffee $(document).on 'ready
page:load', ->
This file is used when you need to iterate some elements .each
, to activate
some plugins or when you need to bind click event listener and prevent it in
another data event click
// app/assets/javascripts/turbolinks_load.coffee
$(document).on('turbolinks:load', ->
# in previous rails we used to catch up on 'ready page:load'
console.log "document on turbolinks:load"
# Activating Best In Place
autosize $('textarea')
$('[data-disable-button-if-empty]').on('change paste keyup input', ->
disabled = this.value.length == 0
button = $(this).parents('form').first().find('[type=submit]')
button.prop('disabled', disabled)
# initial status
$.each $('[data-disable-button-if-empty]'), (index, el) ->
# for infinite pagination use two divs, second need to have pagination links
# <div data-scroll='true'>
# <div data-scroll-content='true'>
# <% @items.each do |item| %>
# <% end %>
# <%= will_paginate, class: 'hide-not-important' %>
# when you do not want auto trigger you can use
# <div data-scroll='true' data-scroll-auto-trigger='false'>
# <div data-scroll-content='true'>
# ...
# <%= will_paginate @items, next_label: 'Show more...', class: 'show-more-pagination', page_links: false %>
$('[data-scroll]').each ->
if $(this).data('scrollAutoTrigger') == undefined
autoTrigger = true
autoTrigger = $(this).data('scrollAutoTrigger')
nextSelector: 'a.next_page'
autoTrigger: autoTrigger
contentSelector: '[data-scroll-content]'
loadingHtml: "<div class='col-xs-12 text-center mtb20 widget-loader'><img src='https://d1bnwaoqvo9ynq.cloudfront.net/assets/images/loader_widget_sb.gif' alt='loading'><p>Loading more...</p></div>"
callback: ->
console.log 'jscroll callback'
# we can not use $(document).on 'click', '[data-enable-if-valid]', (e) ->
# since we can not prevent already bubbled click event in case of invalid input
$('[data-enable-if-valid]').on 'click', (e) ->
$button = $(this)
# http://jqueryvalidation.org/Validator.element/
# https://johnnycode.com/2014/03/27/using-jquery-validate-plugin-html5-data-attribute-rules/
validator = $button.parents('form').validate()
$inputs = $($button.data().enableIfValid).find('input')
all_valid = true
$inputs.each ->
unless validator.element $(this)
all_valid = false
if all_valid
console.log $button.data().enableIfValid + " is valid"
# this hack will prevent other data- events, like data-active-next
$button.prop('disabled', 'disabled')
$button.prop('disabled', false)
console.log $button.data().enableIfValid + " is not valid"
When you are using data-remote-true
for show edit form than request is JS and
any javascript inside js.erb
or inside partial $('#id').replaceWith('<%= j
render 'partial' %>');
is executed every time. Problem is with bootstrap
modals where request is HTML. remote modal content is deprecated in
v4 so it’s
better to use custom implementation
# app/assets/javascripts/document_on.coffee
$(document).on 'click', '[data-js-modal]', (e) ->
arget = this.dataset.jsModal
remote_link = this.href || this.dataset.jsModalHref
# use $.ajax and replaceWith since $.load use .html which discard scripts
url: remote_link
).done (responseText) ->
$(target + " .modal-content").replaceWith responseText
$(document).on 'click change', '[data-toggle-active]', (e) ->
target = $(this).data().toggleActive
if $(this).is(':checkbox')
# if we click directly on checkbox, it will receive also the click event,
# but usually that is fine (also when you are using bootstrap toggle)
to_show = e.currentTarget.checked
to_show = !$(target).hasClass('active')
if to_show
$(target).addClass 'active'
$(target).removeClass 'active'
console.log "data-toggle-active #{target}"
and trigger turbolinks load so it can catch new items. Instead of triggering,
you can call initializeDatepicker()
. That is also needed below the
forms since ajax request in remote-true forms also need to run the initializaion
# app/assets/javascripts/initialize_datepicker.coffee
window.initializeDatepicker = ->
$date_elements = $('.date')
return unless $date_elements
If you want to perform something on click for existing and new elements, but
only on particular page, you can bind bind click on document on that page inside
body. But when you navigate 10 times, it will trigger 10 times. So you can
unbind on page:before-change
. Note that you should write that after function
declaration because when you click on page again, it will assign “on” on
previous version, and unassign latest version of your_function
function your_function() {
LOG && console.log("your_function call");
$(document).on('click', '.class', your_function);
$(document).one('page:before-change',function() {
LOG && console.log("unassign your_function");
$(document).off('click', your_function);
- disable turbolinks
turbolinks are good if some of page content is changed using ajax. Browser back button when turbolink is enabled shows last content (not first that was fatched). When turbolinks is disabled, you can force refreshing the page with set_cache_buster before filter. Note that any input field stays populated (also hidden input field which you eventually populated in javascript):
def set_cache_buster response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate" response.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache" response.headers["Expires"] = "Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT" end
I prefer to use fixtures
# db/seeds.rb
Rails.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
This task db:fixtures:load
is defined
for rspec you need
ENV["FIXTURES_PATH"] = "spec/fixtures"
More advance seeding from fixture data is on minitests rails
Old way is to use db/seeds.rb.
If you want indempotent seeds data you should have some identifier (for example
) for wich you can run where(id: id).first_or_create! do...end
User should use first_or_initialize
since we can’t create without
password, but we don’t have password field. do ... end
block is used only if
that object is not found.
is used for uniq fields (not generated by faker), but all other fields
should be populated in block. Slice is nice method to get params hash from
current active record object user.slice :email, :name # { email: '', name: ''
Use faker
gem to generate example strings:
Faker::Avatar.image("my-own-slug", "50x50")
real logoFaker::Address.street_address
# db/seeds.rb
# we keep all variables (defined as property var: :name) in global b hash
# so you an access them later as `b[:name]`
b = {}
# rubocop:disable Rails/Output
# JobType
{ var: :my_job_type, name: 'Admin/Office' }
].each do |doc|
r = JobType.where(doc.except(:var)).first_or_create! do |job_type|
# you do not need to call save! here
# put common stuff here
job_type.domain = 'my_domain'
puts "JobType #{doc[:name]}"
b[doc[:var]] = r if doc[:var]
# deterministic and random data
1.upto(10).map do |i|
{ email: "user#{i}@asd.asd", password: Faker::Internet.password }
end.each do |doc|
User.where(doc.except(:password, :remote_avatar_url)).first_or_create! do |user|
user.password = doc[:password]
user.remote_avatar_url = doc[:remote_avatar_url]
user.confirm! # do not skip_confirmation!, we need to have confirmed so
# we can log in as this user from admin panel. sign_in will fail for
# autogenerated users who did not confirm or skip confirmation
# note that admin can NOT sign in as any not confirmed user
puts "User #{user.email}"
asd_user = User.find_by! email: '[email protected]'
Custom logger
You can add tags (methods for request object), for example:
# config/application.rb
config.log_tags = [:remote_ip]
But if you want custom logger, than you can override existing
# config/initializers/logger_formatter.rb
class ActiveSupport::Logger::SimpleFormatter
# from activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/logger.rb
def call(severity, time, progname, msg)
"#{severity_color severity} #{String === msg ? msg : msg.inspect}\n"
def severity_color(severity)
case severity
when "DEBUG"
"\033[0;34;40m[DEBUG]\033[0m" # blue
when "INFO"
"\033[1;37;40m[INFO]\033[0m" # bold white
when "WARN"
"\033[1;33;40m[WARNING]\033[0m" # bold yellow
when "ERROR"
"\033[1;31;40m[ERROR]\033[0m" # bold red
when "FATAL"
"\033[7;31;40m[FATAL]\033[0m" # bold black, red bg
"[#{severity}]" # none
I need to put backtrace in reverse order, so I wrap that code (for example whole seeds.rb).
# code
# never rescue from Exception, but use Standard error (this is default, when we
# rescue e) raise "Oh" is RuntimeError, which is descendant of StandardError
# if you can, be specific about errors for example Net::HTTPBadResponse
# for StandardError (like calling a method on nil value) let them to propagate
# do not: begin nil.asd rescue 1 end
rescue StandardError => e
puts e.backtrace.reverse
puts e.class, e.message
I do not know how to catch all exceptions without wrapping (maybe to use rack app as the exception_notification does). I will try to create new logger, it is used for whole Rails application. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6407141/how-can-i-have-ruby-logger-log-output-to-stdout-as-well-as-file
gem mustache is nice to render user
templates Hi
, where name
is placeholder which is inside handlebars
It is usefull to delegate fields in contacts model to some belongs_to
association, like delegate User::FIELD_NAMES, to: :user
# app/services/template_render_service.rb
class TemplateRenderService
attr_reader :template, :data
def initialize(template, data)
@template = template
@data = data
def render
m = Mustache.new
m.raise_on_context_miss = true
rendered = m.render(template, data)
Result.new 'OK', rendered: rendered
rescue Mustache::ContextMiss, Mustache::Parser::SyntaxError => e
Error.new e.message
result = TemplateRenderService.new(email_body, name: '', role_name: '')
return result.message if result.success?
# in view use <%= simple_format result.message %> to convert \n to <br>
If handlebars contains dots than you need to nest data, like for ``
data needs to be user: { name: 'dusan' }
Rake tasks
You can write tasks with arguments rails rake
# lib/tasks/db.rake
namespace :db do
desc <<~HERE_DOC
This task does nothing
Example: rake db:nothing
task nothing: :environment do
# environment is needed to load rails
To read multiline description you should use -D
rake -T
rake -D
Instead of :env
or :environment
you can use other tasks on which it depends.
Also you can receive parameters into args
# lib/tasks/update_subdomain.rake
# instead of puts, we can use Rails.logger.info
Rails.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
namespace :update_subdomain do
desc "update subdomains for my-user. default value is 'my_subdomain'"
task :my_user, [:subdomain] => :environment do |task, args|
# args[:subdomain] is holding your argument
args.with_defaults subdomain: 'my_subdomain'
user = User.find_by name: 'my-user'
fail "Can't find user 'my-user'" unless user
user.subdomain = args.subdomain
Rails.logger.info "Updated #{user.subdomain}" || next if return_from_rake_task_now?
Rails.logger.info 'Finished'
# run with
rake update_subdomain:my_user
rake update_subdomain:my_user[]
rake update_subdomain:my_user[new_subdomain]
Another way of passing the arguments to rake task is using ARGV and exit
namespace :upload do
desc <<~HERE_DOC
Upload files
cap production upload:files README.md
cap production ROLES=db upload:files README.md
task :files do
on roles(:all) do
index = ARGV.index 'upload:files'
ARGV[index + 1..-1].each do |file_name|
puts "Uploading #{file_name} to #{current_path}/#{file_name}"
upload! file_name, "#{current_path}/#{file_name}"
exit # so we do no proccess filename arguments as cap tasks
Another use of rake is to seed
# lib/tasks/seed.rake
namespace :seed do
task :bid_types => :environment do
["live", "silent", "teacup"].each do |name|
BidType.find_or_create_by! name: name
# db/seed.rb
# call task from another task
Rake::Task['translate:copy'].invoke Rails.env
so you can create with rake db:seed
or rake seed:bid_types
If you want to know inside some code whether you run from rake or from rails (for example you do not want to send emails for seed users), you can use
if File.basename($0) == "rake"
# I'm from rake
# I'm from rails
Sessions and share cookies on multiple subdomains
If you use sharing-cookies-across-subdomains-with-rails-3 or what-does-rails-3-session-store-domain-all-really-do
# config/initializers/session_store.rb
Rails.application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_myapp_session',
domain: :all, expire_after: 60.minutes
If you do not use expired_after
than it will be -1
ie in Dev Tools ->
Application -> Cookies it will be 1969-12-31T23:59:59.000Z
1970 - 1 second, ie
cookie will be discarded when browser is closed (on mobile when phone restarts,
since closing browser keeps current session).
This works fine for top level domains and subdomains for them.
For example if you have domain: :all
and you sign in at asd.local
, than you
will be signed in also on asd.asd.local
and asd.asd.asd.local
and so on…
Cookie will be with domain .asd.local
for all those sites.
You need to know that some domains like herokuapp.com
belongs to Public
Suffix List so
browser will prevent setting domain: :all
cookie for them (because someone can
use attacker.herokuapp.com to read cookies from myapp.herokuapp.com).
Note you can not login at in.rs
(PSL and browser will prevent cookie).
Rails cookie store knows for public suffix list, so for trk.in.rs
it will use
and all others like asd.in.local
it will use .in.local
You can login at trk.in.rs
but it wont be shared to asd.in.rs
. Cookie will
be with domain .trk.in.rs
, so you will be signed in also on 1.trk.in.rs
Cookie are send on each request. Cookies usually does not expire, but you can
set expire_after: 60.minutes
. They are send again when you refresh close &
open window.
Note that flash messages are also for each domain. So if you redirect from one domain to another, you can not use flash messages. Old flash message will be shown when user come back to previous domain (on which request flash was set).
Subdomains and long domains
Rails has method extract domains but it requires second param which determine if it is top level and second level domain.
ActionDispatch::Http::URL.extract_domain 'dule.asd.zxc.com', 1 # 'zxc.com'
ActionDispatch::Http::URL.extract_domain 'dule.asd.zxc.com', 2 # 'asd.zxc.com'
You could try to guess based on next to last string and determine if it is shorter or equal than 3 chars. Rails domain is always last two strings.
# dule.asd.zxc.com
request.host = 'dule.asd.zxc.com'
request.domain = 'zxc.com'
request.subdomain = 'dule.asd'
# you can specify different tld length
request.domain(2) = 'asd.zxc.com'
When you use url for, you can pass host
But if you pass also subdomain
than host param will be trimmed to only last
two strings issue
ActionDispatch::Http::URL.url_for host: 'dule.asd.zxc.com'
# http://dule.asd.zxc.com
ActionDispatch::Http::URL.url_for host: 'dule.asd.zxc.com', subdomain: 'sub'
# http://sub.zxc.com
# note that we are missing 'asd' in domain name
Text syntax on buttons and messages
- labels on buttons, titles,… should be upper case with no period:
This Job Is Paused
- sentences on error messages, flash messages… should have period at the end:
Job has been copied.
- titleize should skip
from, and, to, your
, for exampleGuide to Honeymooning with a Post Dated Passport
. Here is manual implementationdef titleize(name) lowercase_words = %w{a an the and but or for nor of from your} name.split.each_with_index.map{|x, index| lowercase_words.include?(x) && index > 0 ? x : x.capitalize }.join(" ") end
You can include the gem
gem 'titleize'
and than it will override String#titleize but we need to override how default label is generated withhumanize
is used as default value humanize is also used for.human_attribute_name
https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/main/activemodel/lib/active_model/translation.rb#L64For forms we can override builder so required fields add star on labels https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Builder_pattern
# config/initializers/label_builder.rb module ActionView module Helpers module Tags # :nodoc: class Label < Base # :nodoc: class LabelBuilder # :nodoc: attr_reader :object def initialize(template_object, object_name, method_name, object, tag_value) @template_object = template_object @object_name = object_name @method_name = method_name @object = object @tag_value = tag_value end def translation # This is called only when we have not provided label attribute # Override defaults https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/main/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/tags/label.rb#24 content ||= @method_name.titleize # Add * for fields with presence validations content += ' *' if @object.class.validators_on(@method_name).any? { |v| v.kind == :presence } content end def to_s translation end end end end end end
Use “Register” or “Sign up” for registrations and “Log in” and “Log out” for sessions (since it is easy to differentiate from “sign up”).
7 patterns
Form Objects
form objects (query objects) for multiple in multiple out data. Even for single table, main purpose is to add validation errors to the form. For complex building object use service object. More info on RegistrationForm https://github.com/duleorlovic/rails_helpers_and_const/blob/main/app/forms/registration_form.rb
To define url for ActiveModel you need to overwrite some instance vars
so better is to define url param form_for @form, url: users_path
Query objects
For complex query so we can unit test them https://thoughtbot.com/blog/a-case-for-query-objects-in-rails#a-better-query-object
Decorators can be used instead of callbacks. Differs from service object because
it just decorate existing model (it can be used instead of that model, usefull
for forms). Form object is like a decorator, but for multiple models.
So instead using method_missing
you can use standard ruby SimpleDelegator
which delegates any method to object that was passed in initialization
# app/decorators/message_decorator.rb
class MessageDecorator < SimpleDelegator
def message
def save_and_send_notifications
message.save && _send_notifications
def _send_notifications
message.chat.moves.each do |move|
next if move.user == message.user
UserMailer.new_message(move.id, message.id).deliver_later
Use in controller
def show
@message_decorator = MessageDecorator.new Message.new
def create_message
@message_decorator = MessageDecorator.new Message.new _message_params
if @message_decorator.save_and_send_notifications
redirect_to chat_path(@chat), notice: t_crud('success_create', Message)
render :show
DHH and interesting is trashable video blog example usage https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/87b0de450761d4404deb615c9b83307316ddb050/activesupport/lib/active_support/rescuable.rb#L11
module Someable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
# this block is executed when module is included in some class
# define methods validations, callbacks and associations here (before_ has_
# macros) access module variables @@my_module_variable or class variable
# self.class.class_variable_get :@@someable_value
has_many :something_else, as: :someable
class_attribute :tag_limit
def increase_age(n)
self.age + n
# instance methods are defined here
class_methods do
# methods defined here are going to be on the class, not the instance of it
# do not use "self." in method definition
# you can set "@@my_module_variable" here
# better is to set class_variable: self.ancestors.first.class_variable_set :@@someable_value, 'some value'
# also you can include other concerns here
def tag_limit(value)
klass = self.ancestors.first
previous_columns = klass.class_variable_get(:@@monetized_columns) if klass.class_variables.include? :@@monetized_columns
previous_columns ||= []
klass.class_variable_set :@@monetized_columns, previous_columns + columns
self.tag_limit_value = value
My implementation of friendly_id gem
Run rails in production mode
You probably need to set up database user for production env.
Also set config.force_ssl = false
in config/environments/production.rb
Get template name
You can try directly in controller to byebug
and try something like
Another is with patch ActionView::TemplateRenderer and this is only accessible in view.
# getting current template is not possible in rails
# https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/4876
# patch taken from
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4973699/rails-3-find-current-view-while-in-the-layout/8310881#8310881
# note 3th comment (Lukas) about exception notification issue
class ActionController::Base
attr_accessor :active_template
def active_template_virtual_path
self.active_template.virtual_path if self.active_template
class ActionView::TemplateRenderer
alias_method :_render_template_original_, :render_template
def render_template(template, layout_name = nil, locals = {})
if @view.controller && @view.controller.respond_to?('active_template=')
@view.controller.active_template = template
result = _render_template_original_( template, layout_name, locals)
@view.controller.active_template = nil
result = _render_template_original_( template, layout_name, locals)
Dealing with money with https://github.com/RubyMoney/money-rails
Add money column is using add_money
instead add_column
. You can define where
to put cents and currency column
add_money :invoices, :round_off, amount: { after: :round_off_applicable }, currency: { after: :round_off_cents }
t.monetize :invoices, :round_off
in model
monetize :round_off
Carrierwave for uploading
Store on server
cat >> Gemfile << HERE_DOC
gem 'carrierwave'
rails generate uploader Document
# we need just one field type string to store file url
rails g migration add_document_to_companies document:string
rake db:migrate
sed -i app/models/company.rb -e '/class Company/a \
mount_uploader :document, DocumentUploader'
git add . && git commit -m "Adding carrierwave gem document uploader"
Replace f.text_field :document
with f.file_field :document
in your form. In
view you can use company.document.url
<%# app/views/companies/_form.html.erb %>
<% if @company.document.present? %>
<%= image_tag @company.document, class: 'image-small'%>
<%= f.check_box :remove_document %>
<% end %>
<%= f.file_field :document %>
<%# keep the file on reload in case of other validation errors %>
<%= f.hidden_field :document_cache %>
# app/controllers/companies_controller.rb
def company_params
params.require(:company).permit(:document, :remove_document)
It is straightforward to use uploader in multiple fields. Also you can use single table field for multiple files (field type json) but than you need postgres database.
When you rendering json, than
carrierwave will add nested
Solution is render json manually with json.document_url company.document.url
or to override uploader serilization with
# app/uploaders/document_uploader.rb
def serializable_hash
Resizing is by adding mini magick and configure uploader. It works on Heroku too. You can process files, create new versions based on condition or process based on condition
echo "gem 'mini_magick'" >> Gemfile
# app/uploaders/document_uploader.rb
include CarrierWave::MiniMagick
process resize_to_limit: [200, 300]
process resize_to_limit: [300, 300], if: :logo?
def logo?(picture)
# check if we mount_uploader :logo_url or something else
version :thumb do
process resize_to_fill: [200, 300]
Store on AWS S3
For Amazon
S3 you need
to set up your AWS keys in ~/.bashrc export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=123123
. Bucket should be created as standard USA
cat >> Gemfile << HERE_DOC
gem 'fog'
cat > config/initializers/carrierwave.rb << 'HERE_DOC'
# https://github.com/jnicklas/carrierwave#using-amazon-s3
CarrierWave.configure do |config|
config.fog_credentials = {
:provider => 'AWS',
:aws_access_key_id => Rails.application.secrets.aws_access_key_id,
:aws_secret_access_key => Rails.application.secrets.aws_secret_access_key,
:region => Rails.application.secrets.aws_region # us-east-1
config.fog_directory = Rails.application.secrets.aws_bucket_name
sed -i config/secrets.yml -e '/^test:/i \
# aws s3\
aws_bucket_name: <%= ENV["AWS_BUCKET_NAME"] %>\
aws_access_key_id: <%= ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] %>\
aws_secret_access_key: <%= ENV["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] %>\
# region is important for all non us-east-1 regions\
aws_region: <%= ENV["AWS_REGION"] || "us-east-1" %>\
sed -i app/uploaders/document_uploader.rb -e '/storage :file/r \
# storage :file\
storage :fog'
git add . && git commit -m "Configure AWS S3"
Store directly on AWS S3 and upload the key to the server
You can put the direct_upload_form_for
on any page, let’s use show:
cat >> Gemfile << HERE_DOC
# direct upload to S3
gem 'carrierwave_direct'
sed -i app/uploaders/document_uploader.rb -e '/DocumentUploader/a \
include CarrierWaveDirect::Uploader'
sed -i app/uploaders/document_uploader.rb -e '/store_dir/c \
# we do not use store_dir because of dirrect carrierwave\
def store_dir_origin'
cat >> app/views/companies/show.html.erb << 'HERE_DOC'
<%= direct_upload_form_for @uploader do |f| %>
<%= f.file_field :document %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
sed -i app/controllers/companies_controller.rb -e '/def show/a \
# @uploader = @company.document # do not use old since key will remain\
@uploader = DocumentUploader.new\
# default key is /uploads/<unique_guid>/foo.png\
# you can change, but use ONLY ONE folder ie "1/2/a.txt" -> "2/a.txt"\
# it always adds prefix "uploads" so it does not need to be written\
@uploader.key = "uploads/#{@company.id}-#{request.ip}/${filename}"\
@uploader.success_action_redirect = company_url(@company)\
if params[:key]\
@company.document.key = params[:key]\
# we need to reload since old key is there\
@company = Company.find(@company.id)\
# or to redirect\
redirect_to company_path(@company)\
# you can call @company.remove_document! to remove from aws, but please\
# reload after that with @company = Company.find(@company.id)'
sed -i config/initializers/carrierwave.rb -e '/^end/i \
# max_file_size is not originally on carrierwave, but is added on CWDirect\
# if file is greater than allowed than error is from Amazon EntityTooLarge\
config.max_file_size = 20.megabytes # defaults to 5.megabytes'
Carrier wave in seed
You can open file and use it in seed user.image url =
File.open(File.join(Rails.root, 'public/my_image.png'))
. But if your storage is
than you can use user.remote_image_url_url =
. Note that file will be downloaded
and uploaded to your aws bucket so better is to set storage
Rails.env.development? ? :file : :fog
and use first file.open method so it does
not need to download file.
Wicked PDF is using wkhtmltopdf
Generate pdf from html files. Just put in gemfile
cat >> Gemfile << HERE_DOC
# pdf generation from html
gem 'wicked_pdf'
gem 'wkhtmltopdf-binary'
And in your controller put the name of the downloaded file
class ThingsController < ApplicationController
def show
respond_to do |format|
format.pdf do
render pdf: "thing-#{params[:id]}" # Excluding ".pdf" extension.
You can also set template to another file, layout to pdf and header
render template: 'periods/visits', pdf: "visits-#{@period.end_date}", layout: 'pdf', header: { right: '[page] of [topage]' }
# app/views/things/show.pdf.erb
<div class="alwaysbreak"></div>
<h1>Second page</h1>
<%# app/views/layouts/pdf.pdf.erb
<!doctype html>
<meta charset='utf-8' />
<%= stylesheet_link_tag wicked_pdf_asset_base64("pdf") %>
<div id="content">
<%= yield %>
// app/assets/stylesheets/pdf.scss
table, th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
border-collapse: collapse;
padding: 5px;
text-align: center;
* {
font-size: 12px;
div.alwaysbreak { page-break-before: always; }
Since we did not include this style in asset pipeline, we need to precompile it:
# config/initializers/assets.rb
Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += ['pdf.css']
If you want to use existing html template than use param render pdf: 'name',
template: 'show.html'
and create app/views/layouts/pdf.html.erb
and use
helper classes to show hide content:
.pdf-hidden {
display: none;
.html-hidden {
display: none;
Spacing issue on old version of wkhtmltopdf and only Arial font https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf/issues/3147
PDFTK pdf toolkit can be used to merge two pdf https://rubygems.org/gems/pdf-toolkit/versions/1.1.0 gem 'pdf-toolkit'
gem 'pdf-reader'
can be used to read metadata of pdf
https://github.com/boazsegev/combine_pdf can be used to merge pdfs in ruby
PDFTRON is commercial tool with a lot of examples https://www.pdftron.com/documentation/samples/rb/PDFRedactTest
if you need custom symbols in prawn than you need to use ttf fonts. Not all contains every symbol. I downloaded from dejavu-fonts.org
# app/pdfs/common_pdf.rb module CommonPdf def h(amount) ActionController::Base.helpers.humanized_money_with_symbol amount end def set_up_common_font # http://dejavu-fonts.org/wiki/Download font_families.update( "DejaVu Sans" => { normal: "#{Rails.root}/lib/DejaVuSans.ttf", bold: "#{Rails.root}/lib/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf", } ) font "DejaVu Sans" end end # app/pdfs/my.pdf.rb class MyPdf < Prawn::Document include CommonPdf set_up_common_font text h 10 end
when you need a image logo in pdf than you can use
option https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/prawn/0.12.0/Prawn/Imagesrequire 'open-uri' uri_escaped = URI.escape "http:#{tax_holder.logo_url}" image open(uri_escaped), fit: [column_2_width, 89], position: :right
PDF reader
reader = PDF::Reader.new("somefile.pdf")
# this will work only for computer generated pdf (not for scanned documents)
For images https://github.com/yob/pdf-reader/blob/master/examples/extract_images.rb
This is used for test pdf rendering. There is also https://github.com/prawnpdf/pdf-inspector but I do not see any advantage of pdf inspector (which uses pdf reader).
subscriber_invoice = create :subscriber_invoice, invoice_header_text: 'My Header'
pdf = SubscriberInvoicePdf.new subscriber_invoice
reader = PDF::Reader.new(StringIO.new(pdf.render))
expect(reader.pages.first.text).to include 'My Header'
Docx MS word
- https://awesome-ruby.com/
- recurring events https://github.com/rossta/montrose
Montrose.daily(total: 10, starts: today, until: ends, between: starts..ends, month: :january, interval: 2) Montrolse.weekly(on: [:monday, :friday]) Montrose.every(:week, until:ends) Montrose.every(2.weeks, on: [:monday, :friday]) # enumerator r.events.take(10)
tickle recurring events https://github.com/yb66/tickle
- rubyzip to create zip files https://github.com/rubyzip/rubyzip
gem 'rubyzip', require: 'zip'
In script
require 'zip' file_name = '2019-12-24 12:49:14 +0000_Generic-Generic-Name_Switch_Letter.pdf' system "echo 123 > #{file_name}" Zip::File.open('a.zip', Zip::File::CREATE) { |zipfile| zipfile.add file_name, './' + file_name }
Test like in https://github.com/rubyzip/rubyzip/blob/master/test/file_test.rb
zf_read = ::Zip::File.new result.data[:zipfile_name] assert_equal 2, zf_read.entries.length
- ms word documents create from scratch https://github.com/urvin-compliance/caracal or from html https://github.com/karnov/htmltoword
Style guide
- do not reference model class directly from a view (how to render counts than ?)
- do not use SQL outside of models
- use
touch: true
associations - use
instead ofENV[]
so it raises exception when env variable does not exists
My style in rails models use following order to best practice
other modules,devise
FIELDS = %i[name].freeze
and other constantsattr_accessor
orserialize :col, Hash
belongs_to :workflow
associations with pluginsacts_as_list scope: 1 [:workflow_id]
has_many :users
associations- enums
enum status: %i[draft accepted]
- validations
validates :name, presence: true
- validate declarations
validate :_check_nested_resource
- callbacks declarations
before_validation :_default_values_on_create, on: :create
- scopes
scope :by_status_param, ->(status_argument) { where status: status_argument }
- class methods
def self.find_first_unpublished
- instance methods
def full_name
- validate definitions
def _check_nested_resource
- callbacks definitions
def _default_values_on_create
My preferred configuration is https://github.com/duleorlovic/config/blob/master/.rubocop.yml
In old project you can generate .rubocop.yml
file that will ignore all
offenses, than you can gradually fix one by one.
rubocop --auto-gen-config
# this will generate .rubocop_todo.yml which you can include
cat >> .rubocop.yml << HERE_DOC
inherit_from: .rubocop_todo.yml
To disable specific folder you can use Exclude
# config, tasks and test for setup data could be very long
- 'lib/**/*'
- 'test/**/*'
- 'config/**/*'
To auto fix use --auto-correct
or shorthand -a
rubocop -a
# to run only specific cop
rubocop -a --only 'Rails/HttpPositionalArguments'
You can use plain postgresql function
Location.order(Arel.sql "POINT(latitude, longitude) <-> POINT(#{current_location.latitude},#{current_location.longitude})")
or you can use gem geocoder.
If you need to search with association, for example User has many
you can with joins to geocoded model on which near
is defined.
near = Location.near('Paris, France')
users = User.joins(:locations).merge(near)
also if you need to get associated objects you can (location has many views)
near = Location.near([latitude, longitude], MAX_USER_DISTANCE_MILES)
select("views.*"). # somehow we need this so we got views, instead of users
includes(:sport). # so we can get sport.name without N+1
where(sport: sport) # conditional on view
In development rails uses Constant Missing hooks to auto load new files from
app/controllers helpers mailers and models
If you need to load files from lib, you can config.autoload_paths +=
. Rails look for file name that is snake case of constant
name, for example SeniorDeveloper
should be defined in senior_developer.rb
You can require_dependency 'not_conventional_file_name'
There is ruby autoload :Jeep, 'Jeep'
which is usefull since it will not
require 'jeep'
if Jeep
is not used. If we use Jeep
in a file, than it will
Overriding scaffold https://guides.rubyonrails.org/generators.html Rails
original templates are here
so to override you need to create lib/templates/erb/scaffold/index.html.erb.tt
mkdir -p lib/templates/erb/scaffold
vi lib/templates/erb/scaffold/index.html.erb.tt
# use <%%= when you need to output <%=
spring stop
rails g scaffold post title
To overwrite all generators you can search for generator name. Since some generators can be from different gems, you should download whole rails repo
git clone [email protected]:rails/rails.git
cd rails
find . -name active_record.rb
find . -name test_unit.rb
find . -name scaffold_controller
find . -name scaffold_generator.rb
# mkdir path (gem_name)/lib/rails/generators/THIS_PATH/templates
mkdir lib/templates/THIS_PATH -p
# for example
If you need to overwrite ruby code (not template) you need to copy whole file https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32384713/override-rails-scaffold-generator
mkdir -p lib/rails/generators/erb/scaffold/
# lib/rails/generators/erb/scaffold/scaffold_generator.rb
# this is a copy from https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/railties/lib/rails/generators/erb/scaffold/scaffold_generator.rb
You can repeat process with
git clean . -f && rails g scaffold posts name
In templates I can use:
index_helper # posts
edit_<%= singular_route_name %>_path # edit_post_path
attributes # object for 'name', 'id', 'email'
attribute.field_type # :text_field
attribute.column_name # :name
model_resource_name # post
Use minus to remove new line (do not generate empty line) and also start loops on beggning of the line (do not generate spaces before the loop)
<% default_method = attributes_names.include?('name') ? 'name' : attributes_names.first -%>
<% attributes.each do |attritube| -%>
<% end -%>
We can manually create generator
# lib/generators/initializer_generator.rb
class InitializerGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
def create_initializer_file
create_file 'config/initializers/initializer.rb', '# AA'
or we can generate generator rails g generator initializer
which will depend
on Rails::Generators::NamedBase
so it expects parameter, like model name.
(post)- arguments using
class_option :scope, type: :string, default: 'read_products'
hook_for :test_framework, as: :scaffold
will use scaffold test frameworksource_paths [__dir__]
is used so you can use relative path to templatestemplate 'my.rb', "destination/#{file_name}.rb"
# cli.rb
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'thor'
class MyCLI < Thor
include Thor::Actions
def self.source_root
desc 'cao NAME', 'primer NAME'
option :from, required: true
option :yell, type: :boolean
def cao(name)
output = []
output << "from: #{options[:from]}" if options[:from]
output << "Cao #{name}"
output = output.join("\n")
if options[:yell]
puts output.upcase
puts output
desc 'g', 'generisi a'
def g
template 'a'
You can run with ruby ./cli.rb cao Dule --from Mile --yell
You can use chamber
https://github.com/thekompanee/chamber/wiki/Basic-Usage for secure keys, after
adding to Gemfile and chamber init
You can find more information about namespace keys here:
* https://github.com/thekompanee/chamber/wiki/Namespaced-Key-Pairs
Your Encrypted Keys
You can send your team members any of the file(s) located at:
* .chamber.enc
and not have to worry about sending them via a secure medium, however do
not send the passphrase along with it. Give it to your team members in
You can learn more about encrypted keys here:
* https://github.com/thekompanee/chamber/wiki/Keypair-Encryption#the-encrypted-private-key
Your Key Passphrases
The passphrases for your encrypted private key(s) are stored in the
following locations:
* .chamber.enc.pass
In order for them to decrypt it (for use with Chamber), they can use something
like the following (swapping out the actual key filenames if necessary):
$ cp .chamber.enc .chamber.pem
$ ssh-keygen -p -f .chamber.pem
Those files are generated (only .chamber.pub.pem
is not git ignored)
.chamber.enc .chamber.enc.pass .chamber.pem .chamber.pub.pem
Inside config/settings.yml
you can use plain yml, but if you prepend with
that value will be encrypted.
# settings.yml
_secure_key: development_value
than when you run chamber secure
it will replace all _secure_
values with
_secure_key: ASDWQWEASD...
To show all keys you can use chamber show
In console
require 'chamber'
When deploy, you need to set export RAILS_ENV=production
and provide
If the output of chamber show
is {}
maybe you need bin/chamber
so it loads
that instead gems version.
- I got an error
ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieOverflow (ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieOverflow):
when there isflash[:notice]
that is greater than certain value for example:flash.now[:notice] = '1'*1972
,flash.now[:alert] = '1'*1_974
andflash[:notice] = '1'*1980
,flash[:alert] = '1'*1981
- There is a new line in
Base64.encode64 string
so useBase64.strict_encode64 string
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2620975/strange-n-in-base64-encoded-string-in-ruby -
parse url to get where user come from
or justURI(request.referrer).host
. You can parse uri query with CGI (values are arrays) and Rack utils parse query (values are strings)(byebug) CGI::parse uri.query {"dst"=>["http://www.trk.in.rs/?a=1"]} (byebug) Rack::Utils.parse_query uri.query {"dst"=>"http://www.trk.in.rs/?a=1"}
spring stop
in many cases:- when you export some ENV and use them in
but can’t see inrails c
- when you put
in some of the gem source
- when you export some ENV and use them in
- load databe from
(instead ofrake db:migrate
) is withrake db:schema:load
. - run at port 80
sudo service apache2 stop
andrvmsudo rails s -p 80
. Note that db user will to root instead of orlovic so you need to hardcode it in config/database.yml. Rember to-b
if you access from outside. You can make default option to bind on localhost config/boot.rb # Set up gems listed in the Gemfile. ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.expand_path('../../Gemfile', __FILE__) require 'bundler/setup' if File.exists?(ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE']) # https://fullstacknotes.com/make-rails-4-2-listen-to-all-interface/ require 'rubygems' require 'rails/commands/server' module Rails class Server alias :default_options_bk :default_options def default_options default_options_bk.merge!(Host: '') end end end
When you are using
you can set local ip as Redirection (301 or 302) (but not as Forwarding since that does not work for some api requests from android). Rails.logger
is stdout and every controller, model and view haslogger
method which you can use likelogger.debug my_var
- if you want to join some fields with
but do not know if they all exists, you can[phone1, phone2].keep_if(&:present?).join(', ')
- use include for n+1 query (bullet) and joins when you don’t need to reference
associated models. Both are using INNER JOIN
Comment.all(include: :user, conditions: { users: { admin: true}})
will load also the user model
- N+1
problem is solved with
This sometimes generate separate query and sometimes it is using left joins https://makandracards.com/makandra/1148-why-preloading-associations-randomly-uses-joined-tables-or-multiple-queriesjoins(:associated_table)
is INNER JOIN and do not load the models. Works also for nested joinsincludes(jobs: :user)
or for multiple you can use arrayincludes(jobs: [:user, :company])
.- Inner
differs if you have has_many or belongs_to association. Forhas_many :associated_table
will return multiple values because of multi values of :associated_table per item, or none is :associated_table does not exists for current item. Forbelongs_to :a
it will return single if data exists, or nothing will be returned, if belongs_to is empty, so better is to use left join. (expecially when you search by description OR teacher name, you should not exclude books without teacher) - custom joins if you want to use left inner join
Person.joins(<<-SQL). LEFT JOIN people managers ON managers.id = people.manager_id SQL where(managers: { id: Person.find_by!(name: 'Eve') })
custom left joins are better than includes because you are explicit about joining and you do not eager load (do not create AR objects) if not need. In Rails 5 there is a method
https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_querying.html#left-outer-joins when you want to perform custom sql you can usetask.projects .select('projects.*') .select(<<-SQL) activities.name AS last_task_activity_name, tasks.updated_at AS last_task_updated_at SQL .joins(<<-SQL) INNER JOIN tasks ON tasks.project_id = projects.id INNER JOIN activities INNER JOIN ( SELECT project_id, MAX(id) as max_id FROM tasks GROUP BY project_id ) last_task ON last_task.project_id = projects.id AND last_task.max_id = tasks.id AND tasks.activity_id = activities.id SQL
will return the same number of items, with association object loaded in memory. eager loadincludes
can be defined in association definitionhas_many :comments, -> { includes :author }
but this is bad since it will always load two tables. Better is to make a queryPost.includes(:comments).all
or for instance@post.comments.includes(:author)
. You need to eager load before calling.all
. Do not need eager load belongs_to association. You can use procs to further filter relations. Note that in case ofCustomer.joins(:radaccts)
customer argument is not a Customer but a relation so this filter only works forcustomer.radaccts
has_many :radaccts, -> (customer) { where('radacct.location_id = ?', customer.location_id) if customer.class == Customer }, primary_key: :username, foreign_key: :username, inverse_of: :customer
- Inner
You can assign attributes with user.assign_attributes user_params
In rails belongs_to .. foreign_key
is used is you have different name of the column than name_of_association_id
Sometime you extend model class ResellerPackage < Package
se we need to
explicitly define column names.
has_many .. inverse_of
is used when you accepts_nested_attributes_for
you want to access them in user.reseller_packages
Of if you have two relation to the same class
# Profile
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :created_by, class_name: 'User'
# User
has_one :profile
user = User.first
user.profile.created_by # it could be User.second, but
user.profile.created_by.profile # will return profile of the first
You can specify conditions in relation
class Company < ApplicationRecord
has_many :company_users, dependent: :destroy
# has_many :users, through: :company_users # do not use this since company
# users can be disabled, so better is to use active_users
has_many :active_users, -> { where(company_users: { status: :active }) },
through: :company_users, source: :user
- If you want to filter with raw SQL like:
.where('jobs.title ILIKE "%duke%"')
you need toreference
them (see below) or use join (filtering using hash works without referencing since rails knows which table to look.where(jobs: { title: }, user: company.users)
). Along with includesincludes(user: :user_profile).where("user_profiles.name = 'dule'")
you need to explicitly reference themincludes(user: :user_profile).where("user_profiles.name = 'dule'").references(user: :user_profile)
- note that you should not use
in the same time, for the same columns (you can use it for different columns). Joins could be replaced withreferences
. But I have some problems withreferences
since it remove my custom selected data like calculated columns, so insteadreferences
I usejoins('LEFT OUTER JOIN sports ON sports.id = users.sport_id')
. Distinct is needed to remove duplicated since inner join with has_many relation (also habtm) returns multiple results (single is only for belongs_to relation). Here is example of how includes/references is similar to left join but includes is using all:projects
columns ~~~ all = Model .select(%( users.id, COUNT(projects.id) as projects_count )) .includes(:projects) .references(:projects) .group(‘users.id’) all.last.projects_count # 123
all = Model .select(%( users.id, COUNT(projects.id) as projects_count )) .left_outer_joins(:posts) .group(‘users.id’) all.last.projects_count # here it works
You need to use `group` and then there is a problem if you want to use
`all.count` on grouped relation:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::SyntaxError: ERROR: syntax error at or near "AS")
LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(users.*, COUNT(posts.id) AS posts_count) AS cou...
which is solved using `all_grouped.returns_count_sum.count`
User.select('users.*, COUNT(posts.id) AS posts_count').left_outer_joins(:posts).group('users.id').returns_count_sum.count
So instead of COUNT JOIN GROUP you can use subquery (double select wrapped
User.select('users.*, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE users.id = posts.user_id) AS posts_count')
When you need to apply filtering WHERE for calculated columns, since in where
you can not use aliases nor aggregate functions, you can use three approaches:
* use database view
* if you are using join and group than you can apply `HAVING` with repeated cond
User.select('users.*, COUNT(posts.id) AS posts_count').left_outer_joins(:posts).group('users.id').having('COUNT(posts.id) > 1')
* if you use GROUP_CONCAT `posts.body` (postgres is string_agg) (instead of
COUNT) than you can still use WHERE for column `posts.body` (it is existing
column, not new custom calculated column) so it works out of the box
* if you are using subquery than you can repeat it in where condition (note that
we are not using aggregate in where condition, we are using subquery)
User.select('users.*, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE users.id = posts.user_id) AS posts_count').where('(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE users.id = posts.user_id) > 1')
# you can also use subquery in join group relation
User.select('users.*, COUNT(posts.id) AS posts_count').left_outer_joins(:posts).group('users.id').where('(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE users.id = posts.user_id) > 1')
To select all that does not have nested objects
leagues.left_outer_joins(:matches).where.not("matches.id": nil).group("leagues.id")
Rails 5 has method
* when you need to eager load for a single object (show action) than you can
simply repeat rails default before action `set_post` with: `@post =
Post.includes(:comments).find params[:id]`
* `some_2d_array.each_with_index do |(col1, col2),index|` when you need
to some variables, you can use parenthesis.
* long output of a command (for example segmentation fault) can be catched with
`rails s 2>&1 | less -R`
* use different layout and template based on different params is easy using
locales [look for adminlte example](
* title and meta tags for the template can be added using helper functions
module PagesHelper def login_layout(login_title = nil) @login_title = login_title @login_layout = true end
def login_layout? @login_layout end
def login_title @login_title end
def title(name) @title = name end
def fetch_title @title || fetch_breadcrumb_list.keys.last end
def page_description(description) content_for(:page_description) { description.html_safe } end
def breadcrumb(list) @breadcrumb = list end
def fetch_breadcrumb_list @breadcrumb || {} end end
<% page_title “Customers List” case params[:non_table_filter] when “registered_today” page_description “Registered Today” when “registered_this_month” page_description “Registered This Month” when “renewed_in_advance” page_description “Renewed In Advance” end breadcrumb “Customers”: nil %>
* to change class **fields_with_error** you can override
ActionView::Base.field_error_proc in any controller
ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = Proc.new { |html_tag, instance| #html = %(<div class="field_with_errors">#{html_tag}</div>).html_safe # add nokogiri gem to Gemfile elements = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(html_tag).css “label, input” elements.each do |e| if e.node_name.eql? ‘input’ e[‘class’] ||= ‘’ e[‘class’] = e[‘class’] « ” error” html_tag = “#{e}”.html_safe end end html_tag }
* for clone with associations you can use dup or clone but easiest way to with
new (build is deprecated) json except. If you use method `as_json.exept "id"`
than pass string arguments (or splat array `(*%(id))`), if it is param
`as_json except: [:id]` than you can use symbols. Please note that `as_json`
returns hash with string keys so if you merge something you should use string
`chat.as_json(except: [:id]).merge("sport_id" => view.sport.id)`. `to_json`
returns string, so `as_json` it much better.
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5976684/cloning-a-record-in-rails-is-it-possible-to-clone-associations-and-deep-copy def clone_with_associations # except bookmarks since we do not need them # copy all fields and belongs_to associations new_job = self.user.jobs.new self.as_json except: * %(id created_at first_published_at) new_job.job_title = “(Copy) “ + new_job.job_title # if status is active put paused new_job.status = :paused if new_job.active? # copy location, ie create new one if self.location new_job.location_name = self.location.address end # cloning images # todo with fog # cloning questions with answers self.questions.each do |question| new_question = new_job.questions.new question.as_json except: * %(id created_at) question.answers.each do |answer| new_answer = new_question.answers.new answer.as_json except: * %(id created_at) end end new_job end
# job is not saved so you need to call # new_job = @job.clone_with_associations # new_job.save!
* if you put `byebug` inside `User.first_or_initialize` than you will see empty
for `User.all`. Notice that if you use
`User.where(params.slice(:mobile)).first_or_initialize` than it is a problem
when `params[:mobile]` does not exists, and first User fill be used (not new
* for `gon` gem you should `include_gon` before other javascript files. Note
that `if gon` will still raise error if `gon` is not called in controller (so
`gon` is undefined)
* access helpers outside of a view
* in rails console you can use `helper.number_to_currency 10`
* if it is standard base helper, than just call it from ActionController,
ActionView instance or Rails application routes.
ActionController::Base.helpers.pluralize(count, ‘mystring’) ActionController::Base.helpers.strip_tags request.body # html to text ActionController::Base.helpers.link_to ‘name’, link ActionController::Base.helpers.j “can’t be blank” # can't be blank ActionController::Base.helpers.humanized_money_with_symbol amount ActionController::Base.helpers.time_ago_in_words Time.zone.now ActionController::Base.helpers.distance_of_time_in_words 1.day ActionController::Base.helpers.distance_of_time_in_words i.completed_at - i.started_at, include_seconds: true ActionController::Base.helpers.number_with_delimiter 1234
# no need to use ActionView::Base.new but just for reference # ActionView::Base.new.number_to_human 123123 # 123 Thousand # ActionView::Base.new.number_to_human_size 123123 # 120 KB
# route helper url helper
# note that it is different than jobs_url
in view since in view it uses
# request to determine host, so maybe it is better to use
ERB::Util.html_escape t(‘errors.messages.blank’) # can't be blank
“longs string”.truncate 20
* if it your custom helper you can call from *ApplicationController*
If you want to use it inside controller or any other class you can include
include MyHelper
But best options in controllers in Rails 5 is to use `helpers`
class MyController < ApplicationController def index alert helpers.titleize_message end end
* you can include all
include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
* or you can delegate it
delegate :url_helpers, to: 'Rails.application.routes'
# call with `url_helpers.jobs_url` in you class
delegate :form_tag, :text_field_tag, to: 'ActionController::Base.helpers' ~~~
- do not use
form_tag path
without block, since chrome will autoclose tags, but IE10 wont. - do not name your model with
since there is moduleTemplate
somewhere. - request object contains a lot of data:
is it ajaxrequest.ip
if you want to add flash_alert for all
you can use# app/controllers/application_controller.rb after_action :check_flash_message # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def check_flash_message return unless request.xhr? && request.format.js? response.body += "flash_alert('#{view_context.j flash.now[:alert]}');" if flash.now[:alert].present? response.body += "flash_notice('#{view_context.j flash.now[:notice]}');" if flash.now[:notice].present? end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize
- Heroku problems:
undefined method url_options' for #<Module:
maybe problem with puma - rails router
- you can mount namespace under different path
namespace :admin, path: 'aadmin' do get '/', to: 'admin#index' end
you can get dynamic path resoulution with
link_to "Dynamic #{e}", controller: :pages, action: e, id: @user.id
you can catch all error using routes https://coderwall.com/p/w3ghqq/rails-3-2-error-handling-with-exceptions_app We can rescue in application controller but not for
since that is done before rails so you need to useconfig.exceptions_app
, for example:
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, ActionController::UnknownController, ::AbstractController::ActionNotFound, ActionController::RoutingError do |exception| redirect_to error_path title: 'Record Not Found', description: 'Could not find resource: ' + request.url end # config/application.rb class Application < Rails::Application config.exceptions_app = self.routes end # config/routes.rb MyApp::Application.routes.draw do get 'error', controller: 'home' get '/404', controller: 'home', action: 'routing_error' get '/500', controller: 'home', action: 'internal_server_error' end # app/controllers/home_controller.rb class HomeController < ApplicationController def error @title = params[:title] @description = params[:description] render :error, formats: [:html] end def routing_error @title = 'Page Not Found' @description = 'Cound not find this page' render :error, formats: [:html] end def internal_server_error @title = 'Internal Server Error' @description = 'There was an error and administrators were notified' render :error, formats: [:html] end end
export csv
# app/models/user.rb def self.to_csv CSV.generate do |csv| csv << %w(Name Email Sports) all.each do |user| csv << [user.name, user.email, user.sports.map(&:name).join(', ')] end end end # app/controllers/users_controller.rb respond_to do |format| format.html format.csv { send_data @users.to_csv, filename: 'users.csv', type: 'text/csv', disposition: 'inline' } end # app/views/index.html.erb <%= link_to "Export csv", users_path(sport: params[:sport], format: :csv) %>
- acts_as_lists is nice gem, you
just need to
rails g migration add_priority_to_comment priority:integer
, add a line in modelacts_as_list scope: :post, column: :priority default_scope { order('position ASC') }
use that priority in associations
has_many :comments, -> { order priority: :asc }, dependent: :destroy
Note that this association with order will prevent accepts_nested_attributes_for to work properly (error is post must exists) Position is starting from 1, 2… To perform bulk update for ordering, use form to pass idsdef sort @job.questions.each do |question| # check if this question is in params, since there could be several request of sorting when we save them all if params['question'].include? question.id.to_s question.position = params['question'].index(question.id.to_s) + 1 question.save! end end end
enum status: [:paused]
should be type integer, or it will return nil. Use synonim for new, like unproccessed, draft. You can access values with symbols:draft
and outside of class withClass.statuses
. It is better to use string column instead of integer since it is more readable in db, and you can change the order. In this case define enum as a hashenum status: { paused: 'paused', } # or if you are using const enum kind: Constant.SMS_TEMPLATES.transform_keys(&:downcase).transform_values(&:to_s) # or if you are using array of symbols enum status: %i[active admin inactive].each_with_object({}) { |k, o| o[k] = k.to_s } # or simpler using helper convert_to_hash defined on ApplicationRecord enum status: convert_to_hash(%w[active admin inactive]) # app/models/application_record.rb # enum status: convert_to_hash(%w[active admin inactive]) def self.convert_to_hash(array) array.each_with_object({}) { |k, o| o[k.to_s] = k.to_s } end
params usually need to be striped, so you can use this code to get rid of all unnecessary spaces (not that we create new object that is returned, params stays unschanged)
params_contact_striped = params[:contact].each_with_object({}) { |(k,v),o| o[k] = v.split.join(" ") } # strip spaces
or you can do in before save callback
# app/models/contact.rb before_save :strip_fields def strip_fields self.email.strip! if email.present? self.first_name.strip! if first_name.present? end
also if you want to replace ‘\n’ new lines in text area (
) with
so it looks the same when displaying it . Example is with nested associated elements:params[:contact] = params[:contact].each_with_object({}) { |(k,v),o| o[k] = v.each_with_object({}) { |(k1,v1),o1| o1[k1] = (v1.class == String ? v1.gsub(/\n/,'<br>'): v1) } }
Alternativelly you can keep
and use<%= simple_format @contact.text %>
It will replace\n
and two or more\n\n
… also you can insert any html tags (if sanitize is true if will convert<form>
tag into regular text and disableon=
attributes. https://apidock.com/rails/ActionView/Helpers/TextHelper/simple_formatIf you want to strip params globaly (for every non get request) you can use:
before_action :strip_params def strip_params return if request.get? params .values .select { |v| [ActionController::Parameters, ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess].include? v.class } .each do |item_parameters| item_parameters.each do |k, v| next unless v.is_a? String item_parameters[k] = v.split.join(' ') end end end
- if you notice in logs double requests (messages are double rendered) it is
probably that you use
gem 'rails_12factor'
which should be only on productiongroup: :production
when we use CDN for assets, in root folder it should contain crossdomain.xml file so flash recorder works nice.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- http://www.osmf.org/crossdomain.xml --> <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.adobe.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd"> <cross-domain-policy> <allow-access-from domain="*" /> <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all"/> </cross-domain-policy>
- very nasty issue is when your before action returns
false halting
so check if return value could be
and make sure before filters (like before_create) always return not false value (you can returntrue
). I noticed that if you raise validation exception inbefore_
callbacks than exception will be ignored, butbefore_
block will return false In Rails 5 return value is not important, and if we want to halt before block we need to callthrow(:abort)
https://blog.bigbinary.com/2016/02/13/rails-5-does-not-halt-callback-chain-when-false-is-returned.html - callbacks are defined executed in the order they are defined, or you can use
option - in callbacks should only be some value format correction or other simple task. In callback should not be Mailer to send email or other external task since it will be triggered even in you test when you prepare some data, or when creating seed data
- in action pack (action controller) if you
something in before_filter than execution will be halted (return value is not important for ActionController callbacks) - subclasses can use
if you want to skip callback -
do not use callbacks, expecially after_callbacks since it ties with save, for example, you should be able to repeat some actions (sending email, charging) without saving. Use delegator instead
class FacebookNotifyComment < SimpleDelegator def initialize(comment) super(comment) end def save if __getobj__save post_to_wall end end private def post_to_wall Facebook.post(title: title) end end class CommentsController < ApplicationController def create @comment = FacebookNotifyComment.new(Comment.new(comments_params)) if @comment.save redirect_to blog_path, notice: "Comment was posted' else render 'new' end end end
- to start new project from specific rails, run
rails _4.2.7.1_ new myapp
.gem list | grep rails
can show you installed versions -
"data-disable-with": "<i class='fa fa-spinner fa-spin'></i> #{name}"
works on any element exceptf.submit
since it isinput
element and you will see<i>
tags… better is to usef.button
but than you loseparams[:commit]
which is included inf.submit
. So solution is to includehidden_field_tag :commit, "Some label"
- when you call render partial with current object than first param is string
(not hash
)<%= render 'layouts/audit_log', current_object: @user %>
you can use config inside your initializers so you do not need to write
again, but does not work forcache_store
# config/initializers/dalli.rb Rails.application.configure do secrets.internal_notification_email config.,,, end
for complex forms, it is advised to be able to easily populate all required fields, so I populate data in controller or in model. For unique fields you need to iterate…
<%# app/views/items/_form.html.erb <% if Rails.env.development? %> <%= link_to "Example", new_item_path(example: true) %> <% end %> # app/constrollers/items_controller.rb def new @item = Item.new @item = Item.new example_params if Rails.env.development? && params[:example] end end private def example_params i = 1 while Item.find_by name: "Example Name #{i}" i += 1 end self.name = "Example Name #{i}" end # or # app/controllers/items_controller.rb def new @item = Item.new @item.example if Rails.env.development? && params[:example] == "true" end # app/models/item.rb def example i = 1 while self.class.find_by name: "Example Name #{i}" i += 1 end self.name = "Example Name #{i}" end
- you can iterate in groups batches
<% company.jobs.group_by(&:user).each do |user, jobs| %>
Person.find_in_batches do |people|
will iterate but load only 1000 per run. Or shorter isPerson.find_each do |person|
- to count by grouping you can group_by specific column
if you want to order in sql, than you need to name the count and order by that name (note that we need to use string not symbol for'count_id'
:User.group(:company_id).order('count_id desc').count(:id)
. you can group by joined table, for example https://thoughtbot.com/upcase/videos/advanced-querying-aggregationsPerson.joins(:employees).group('people.name').count('employees_people.id')
User.all(joins: :comments, select: "users.*, count(comments.id) as comments_count", group: "users.id")
you can provide string to select and output just specific value like comments_count.- you can use
with rails just write before.count
, likec=Item.reorder("").group([:url, :title, :feed_id]).having('COUNT(*) > 1').count(:id)
Maybe find can help
:select => 'count(*) count, country',
:group => 'country',
:conditions => ['validated = ?', 't' ],
:order => 'count DESC',
:limit => 5)
- to run ruby script with rails you can include
require File.expand_path('/home/orlovic/rails/myApp/config/environment', __FILE__)
puts User.all
even when you are using rails data attritubes you have to use
(as you need in html). And if you use jQuery data method than you do not need to use JSON.parse.<%= f.text_field :name, "data-predefined-range": {a: 3} %> <input data-predefined-rage="<%= {a: 3}.to_json %>"> <%= f.select :current_city, options_from_collection_for_select(City.all, :uuid, :name), {}, 'data-select-target': '#current-location', 'data-select-options': Location.all_by_city_uuid.to_json %> <script> range = JSON.parse(input.dataset.predefinedRange); range = $(input).data("predefinedRage"); <model> # return hash {city_uuid: [{id: l1.id, name: l1.name}, ...], ...} def self.all_by_city_uuid Location.all.each_with_object({}) do |location, result| if result[location.city_id].present? result[location.city_id].append(id: location.id, name: location.name) else result[location.city_id] = [{ id: location.id, name: location.name }] end end end
security tips
if you want to use
for all keys you can usehash.symbolize_keys
but if you want that recursively for nested hashes as well you can useparams[:some_pararam].deep_symbolize_keys
memoization is nice if you have network calls or sql calls or db query
def MyClass
def self.issues
@issues ||= Brand.find(1).issues.inject({}) do |hash, issue|
hash[issue.title] = issue
If the value is falsy nil
or false
than you should not use ||=
since it
will have affect as =
. You should check if instance variable is defined. You
can also use begin
for multiline definition
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def main_address
return @main_address if defined? @main_address
@main_address = begin
main_address = home_address if prefers_home_address?
main_address ||= work_address
main_address ||= addresses.first # some semi-sensible default
read raw column value before typecast
chechbox change can activate ajax call, just define requect src and method Usefull inside form if you want to show validation errors before actual submit, or outside of foem if you want to submit change without form (no need to click on submit button). I do not know how to send value…
<%= f.check_box :renew, data: { url: customer_path(@customer), remote: true, method: :patch } %>
<%= check_box_tag name, value, checked, data: { url: toggle_todo_path(todo), remote: true } %>
printf '.'
if you need to print single dot- turn off sql debug log messages in console
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = nil
- to show full backtrace and lines from gems you can call
- put
gem 'irbtools', require: 'irbtools/binding'
in Gemfile so you can load scripts in rails console:vi 'tmp/my_script.rb'
and later you can use justvi
. Do not exit with<leader>q
. but use:wq
. - single file rails application in one file
https://christoph.luppri.ch/articles/2017/06/26/single-file-rails-applications-for-fun-and-bug-reporting/ https://gist.github.com/kidlab/72fff6e239b0af1dd3e5 for something that need test or we just want to showcase in one file onepage rails
- use
instead of.empty?
since it will work fornil
- reject empty associated params
params.require(:visit).permit(:post_id).reject { |_, v| v.blank? }
- debug network request https://github.com/aderyabin/sniffer
- use https://github.com/burke/zeus gem to speed up preload rails like spring
zeus init
zeus start
touch config/boot
- simple captcha 2 is
a key (session id) and value (6 chars) when
is called. - instead of guard clauses
errors.add :name, 'is invalid' and return false unless item.save
you can move important things in frontitem.save || (errors.add :name, 'is invalid' and return false)
- gem countries uses
money gem.
# Gemfile # country select box and store value as ISO code gem 'country_select'
to use with bootstrap_form
<%= f.form_group :country_iso_code, label: { text: 'Country' } do %> <%= f.country_select :country_iso_code, { iso_codes: true, include_blank: 'Select Country' }, class: 'form-control' %> <% end %>
To select currency
<%= f.form_group :country, label: { text: 'Country' } do %> <%= f.country_select :country, { iso_codes: true, include_blank: 'Select Country'}, class: 'form-control', 'data-select-currency-based-on-country': '#currency-select', 'data-countries-and-currency-codes': ISO3166::Country.all.inject({}) {|a,c| a[c.alpha2]=c.currency&.code;a }.to_json %> <% end %> <%= f.select :currency, [['Currency based on country', 0]] + Money::Currency.table.values.map {|currency| [currency[:name] + ' (' + currency[:iso_code] + ')', currency[:iso_code]] }, { disabled: 0, selected: (f.object.currency.present? ? f.object.currency : 0) }, id: 'currency-select' %> <script> $('[data-select-currency-based-on-country]').on('change', function() { var $target = $($(this).data('selectCurrencyBasedOnCountry')); var options = $(this).data('countriesAndCurrencyCodes'); $target.val(options[$(this).val()]); }); </script>
- single line one liner rails app for active record can be found in contributibuting
- http client https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/2.0.0/Net/HTTP.html
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
def fetch(uri_str, limit = 10)
# You should choose better exception.
raise ArgumentError, 'HTTP redirect too deep' if limit == 0
url = URI.parse(uri_str)
req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(url.path, { 'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (etc...)' })
response = Net::HTTP.start(url.host, url.port) { |http| http.request(req) }
case response
when Net::HTTPSuccess then response
when Net::HTTPRedirection then fetch(response['location'], limit - 1)
print fetch('http://www.ruby-lang.org/')
- you can use
to get elements from urls, for example'https://www.premesti.se/my-profile?open-moda=true'.match URI.regexp => #<MatchData "https://www.premesti.se/my-profile?open-moda=true" 1:"https" 2:nil 3:nil 4:"www.premesti.se" 5:nil 6:nil 7:"/my-profile" 8:"open-moda=true" 9:nil> # to see positions of specific parts just look at URI.regexp
- validate url with custom validation
# https://coderwall.com/p/ztig5g/validate-urls-in-rails # use in your models like: # validates :video_url, url: true, allow_blank: true class UrlValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator def validate_each(record, attribute, value) record.errors[attribute] << (options[:message] || "must be a valid URL") unless url_valid?(value) end # a URL may be technically well-formed but may # not actually be valid, so this checks for both. def url_valid?(url) url = URI.parse(url) rescue false url.kind_of?(URI::HTTP) || url.kind_of?(URI::HTTPS) end end
- use bang methods to raise exception
User.create! email: 'invalid'
. If you use it inside callbacks than no exception will be raise, but rollback will be performed… -
sometime tests uses precompiled assets from
so make sure to clean clear them. Also/log/test.log
became huge if you do not limit it. You can limit test log with# config/environments/test.rb # limit log file to 50MB, when it reaches that it will start from empty file config.logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(config.paths['log'].first, 1, 50.megabytes)
- colorize matching string in console
# config/initializers/colorize.rb
class String
COLOR = 31 # red
def red
def colorize(string, return_nil: true, only_matched_lines: false)
last_index = 0
res = ''
while (new_index = self[last_index..-1].index(string))
if last_index + new_index - 1 > -1
res += self[last_index..last_index + new_index - 1]
res += string.red
last_index = last_index + new_index + string.length
res += self[last_index..-1]
if only_matched_lines
res = res.split("\n").select { |l| l.index string }.join("\n")
# rubocop:disable Rails/Output
puts res
# rubocop:enable Rails/Output
return_nil ? nil : res
# run tests with a command
# rails test config/initializers/colorize.rb
# require 'minitest/autorun'
# class Test < Minitest::Test
# def test_one_substring
# s = 'My name is John.'
# assert_equal "My name is \e[31mJohn\e[0m.", s.colorize('John', return_nil: false)
# end
# def test_two_substrings
# s = 'John is my name, John.'
# r = "\e[31mJohn\e[0m is my name, \e[31mJohn\e[0m."
# assert_equal r, s.colorize('John', return_nil: false)
# end
# def test_no_found
# s = 'My name is John.'
# assert_equal "My name is John.", s.colorize('Mike', return_nil: false)
# end
# def test_whole
# s = 'My name is John.'
# assert_equal "\e[31mMy name is John.\e[0m", s.colorize(s, return_nil: false)
# end
# def test_return
# s = 'My name is John.'
# assert_nil s.colorize('John')
# end
# def test_only_matched_lines
# s = "first_line\nsecond_line John\nthird_line\nJohn fourth_line"
# assert_equal "second_line #{'John'.red}\n#{'John'.red} fourth_line", s.colorize('John', only_matched_lines: true, return_nil: false)
# end
# end
- if you ever need to write form tag in pure html for rails than you need to add
authenticity token
<form action='<%= my_url %>' method='post'> <%= hidden_field_tag :authenticity_token, form_authenticity_token %> <input type='text' name='name'> </form>
can use raw sql for selecting and for counting https://www.rubydoc.info/github/mislav/will_paginate/WillPaginate%2FActiveRecord%2FBaseMethods:paginate_by_sqlif you need rails model without table https://gist.github.com/dalibor/228654 it’s different for Rails 4 and Rails 5 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41494951/how-to-create-activerecord-tableless-model-in-rails-5
- constants
# config/initializers/const.rb # rubocop:disable Naming/MethodName class Const def self.common hash_or_error_if_key_does_not_exists( site_name: 'My CRM', domain: 'www.trk.in.rs', ) end def self.COLLAPSE_KEYS hash_or_error_if_key_does_not_exists( new_message: 'new_message', ) end def self.PORT # Rack::Server.new.options[:Port] should be called only once (otherwise it returns 9292) @port ||= Rack::Server.new.options[:Port] end def self.hash_or_error_if_key_does_not_exists(hash) # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30528699/why-isnt-an-exception-thrown-when-the-hash-value-doesnt-exist # raise if key does not exists hash[:non_exists] or hash.values_at[:non_exists] hash.default_proc = ->(_h, k) { raise KeyError, "#{k} not found!" } # raise when value not exists hash.key 'non_exists' def hash.key(value) k = super raise KeyError, "#{value} not found!" unless k k end hash end end # rubocop:enable Naming/MethodName
here is also a rspec test
# spec/models/constant_spec.rb
RSpec.describe Constant do
it 'store string values' do
expect(Constant.SUBSCRIBER_EVENTS[:EDIT]).to eq 'edit'
expect(Constant.SUBSCRIBER_EVENTS.key 'edit').to eq :EDIT
it 'raise error if key does not exists' do
expect do
end.to raise_error KeyError
expect do
Constant.SUBSCRIBER_EVENTS.values_at 'not_exists'
end.to raise_error KeyError
expect do
Constant.SUBSCRIBER_EVENTS.key 'not_exists'
end.to raise_error KeyError
- rails routes instead of grep you can search by
rails routes -g user
but only for rails > 5.2.1 -
contribute to rails guide https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/contributing_to_ruby_on_rails.html#contributing-to-the-rails-documentation There you can find commands how to run tests. Clone the form of the https://github.com/rails/rails and update
files.cd guides bundle install bundle exec rake guides:generate
To run tests for activerecord you can try with
cd activerecord bundle install bundle exec rake # it runs for 10 minutes # if it complains about non existins database sudo su - postgres createdb activerecord_unittest1 createdb activerecord_unittest2
Run specific test and include byebug
bundle exec ruby -w -Iactiverecord/test activerecord/test/cases/enum_test.rb # include byebug bundle exec ruby -w -Iactionview/test -rbyebug actionview/test/template/form_options_helper_test.rb -n test_select_with_include_blank_false_and_required
To test local changes you can point gem to your folder
# Gemfile gem 'actionview'
Commit on your fork and some branch_name. You can rebase to master
cd ~/rails/rails git checkout master # pull from rails repository git pull rails master # push to my repository git push # rebase git checkout my_branch git rebase -i master # select squash so there is only one commit git push origin my_branch
On web there is a button ‘Create pull request’. In description of pull requests you should write some code example.
- Rails 6 uses Utf8mb4 instead Utf8 so you can store emojis 😀 everywhere, I’m 💯% sure. Here is plain ascii ( ̄︶ ̄). 🙌
- Rails credentials are available on rails 5.2. You need to export
cat config/master.key
and you can use inside rails and config# config/database.yml
- when bcrypt is updated you need to update secrets credentials with
rails credentials:edit
When you do not have
error is.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.3/gems/activesupport-6.0.0.rc1/lib/active_support/message_encryptor.rb:206:in `rescue in _decrypt': ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor::InvalidMessage (ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor::InvalidMessage)
Access with
Rails.application.credentials[:secret_key_base] # or Rails.application.credentials.secret_key_base
you can create development credentials (config/credentials/development.key and config/credentials/development.yml.enc) which will be loaded in development environment and take precedence over master credentials (if there is a development.key, can not use ENV for key for environment credentials) you can commit that keys in repository.
rails credentials:edit -e development git add config/credentials/development.yml.env git add config/credentials/development.key -f # also for test rails credentials:edit -e test git add config/credentials/test.yml.env git add config/credentials/test.key -f
Env RAILS_MASTER_KEY is needed to read credentials.
- dhh videos On Writing Software Well
- actiontext is included in Rails 6 but you need to install
rails action_text:install
add stylesheets is not needed in app/assets/stylesheets/application.sass
//= require actiontext
and you can use
# app/models/event.rb has_rich_text :content # app/views/events/_form.html.erb f.rich_text_area :content # app/views/events/show.html.erb <%= @event.content %>
- on heroku default timeout is 30s and if requests takes more that that it will
timeout and no exception notification will be sent. You can use
https://github.com/sharpstone/rack-timeout to raise exception on 30s
# config/initializers/rack_timeout.rb # Heroku timeout is 30s Rails.application.config.middleware.insert_before Rack::Runtime, Rack::Timeout, service_timeout: 30 # do not use same log file as Rails Rack::Timeout::Logger.logger = Logger.new('log/timeout.log') Rack::Timeout::Logger.logger.level = Logger::ERROR
# Gemfile # raise timeout error before server timeouts gem 'rack-timeout', require: 'rack/timeout/base'
A copy of xxx has been removed from the module tree but is still active!
it could be that spring does not load it since it happens in tests also You can see all auto loaded pathsbin/rails r 'puts ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths'
My solution is to copy all methods to the strategy so it does not use those classes.
rake tmp:cache:clear
for rails clear cache- check gemes dependencies
gem install bundler-audit bundle audit check --update
- camel case to underscore snake_case is with
but in ActiveRecord it is better to useLocationUser.model_name.collection
csrf When you want to submit form from another domain you get this error
ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken (ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken):
This is when your controller is protected from CSRF attack (it contains protect_from_forgery) . You can mute it instead of raising exception:
sed -i app/controllers/application_controller.rb -e '/protect_from_forgery/c \ # protect_from_forgery with: :exception\ protect_from_forgery with: :null_session'
You can disable CSRF Token authenticity for specific actions
skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token, only: [:my_insecure_post_action]
Another way to bypass cors check is to override
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb def verified_request? super || (session['warden.user.user.key'] && request.format.json?) end
In my feature tests (for example bank payment redirection back with POST than I do not have authenticity error
returns true, but for developmentverified_request?
returns false ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer
is needed when you whant to render html tags on page or email. You need to start witht='text'.html_safe
and than add to it some other stringt+='<script>
. If you use interpolation"#{t}"
or string- safejoin
'a' + t
, or translationI18n.t('name', name: t)
, or when you save and load to database than you need to call.html_safe
on a result (which is a string). If you have array than you can use https://apidock.com/rails/ActionView/Helpers/OutputSafetyHelper/safe_join@name_with_arrows = ActionController::Base.helpers.safe_join(array, " #{Constant::ARROW_CHAR} ")
- safejoin
is used instead ofform_for @model
andform_tag url
. Here is example# nothing special here form_with url: users_path do |f| # all forms are remote: true by default so we need to use `local: true` form_with url: users_path, local: true do |f| # for model use model: form_with model: @user do |f|
To determine if it is a POST or a PATCH, form check
and in case it is persisted it will add hidden input field (method will remain post)<form action="/books/1" accept-charset="UTF-8" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="patch"> <input type="hidden" name="authenticity_token" value="asd"> </form>
- custom exception class
module TrkDatatables class TrkError < StandardError def message "TrkDatatables: #{super}" end end end
than if there is some posibility to catch error (for example TypeError for dig method) you can write
def search_all @params.dig(:search, :value) || '' rescue TypeError => e raise TrkError, e.message + '. Global search is in a format: { "search": { "value": "ABC" } }' end
You can rescue in controller with
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb rescue_from TrkDatatables::TrkError do |exception| respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to root_path, alert: exception.message } format.json { render json: { error_message: exception.message, error_status: :bad_request }, status: :bad_request } end end
When we need to permit hash or hash of hashes you simply permit
# [jv_percentages][operator_percentages][123] = 1 # [jv_percentages][operator_location_percentages][123][456] = 1 def jv_percentages_params params.require(:jv_percentages).permit( operator_percentages: {}, operator_location_percentages: {}, ) end jv_percentages_params # => { operator_percentages: { '123': '1' }, operator_location_percentages: { '123': { '456': '1' } } }
Params can be different format, so event this code can raise exception
when params is an array
andA NoMethodError occurred in
undefined methodpermit
for []:Array. When it is a hash than it’s class isActionController::Parameters
but when it is array than it is really array ofActionController::Parameters
. You can simulate withcurl -X POST -g "localhost:3001/subscribers" -d '{"subscriber":[]}'
- you can not use
serialize :custom_sign_up_values, ActionController::Parameters
since when usingdef sign_up_params params.require(:subscriber).permit( custom_sign_up_values: current_location.custom_sign_up_labels}, ) end end
it will be converted to HashWithIndifferentAccess and error will be raised
ActiveRecord::SerializationTypeMismatch: can't serialize `custom_sign_up_values`: was supposed to be a ActionController::Parameters, but was a ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess. -- {"Room#"=>"room_number", "Passport ID"=>"passport_id"}
so for existing records you should update https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48773769/existing-data-serialized-as-hash-produces-error-when-upgrading-to-rails-5
# app/models/model_hack.rb # Call with: ModelHack.where.not(custom_sign_up_values: nil).find_each {|m| m.update_custom_sign_up_values! } class ModelHack < ApplicationRecord self.table_name = 'subscribers' serialize :custom_sign_up_values def update_custom_sign_up_values! return unless custom_sign_up_values.present? h = custom_sign_up_values return if h.is_a? Hash self.custom_sign_up_values = h.to_unsafe_h.to_h save! end end
- for rails helpers, when you want to use block syntax for your helper than you
should use capture https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32985379/appending-to-yield-in-content-tag because what is inside block will be rendered two times on the page (capture is not required if yield is inside content_tag)
# app/helpers/text_helper.rb module TextHelper def detail_view_one(title, text = nil, label_class: 'col-sm-2 dt__long--min-width', text_class: 'col', &block) <<~HTML <dt class='#{label_class}'>#{title}</dt> <dd class='#{text_class}'>#{block_given? ? capture(&block) : text}</dd> <dt class='w-100'></dt> HTML .html_safe end def detail_view_list(item = nil, *fields, label_class: 'col-sm-2 dt__long--min-width', skip_blank: []) content_tag 'dl', class: 'row' do if block_given? yield else detail_view item, *fields, label_class: label_class, skip_blank: skip_blank end end end end # app/views/posts/show.html.erb <%= detail_view_list do %> <%= detail_view_one Happening.human_attribute_name(:recurrence) do %> <%= link_to 'A', 'b' %> OK <% end %> <% end %>
- routes
resources :post do resources :comments, shallow: true end
- skip showing password on view
# app/helpers/text_helper.rb # when editing use value '', and placeholder hidden with stars # <% if f.object.password.present? %> # <%= f.text_field :password, placeholder: hidden_with_stars(f.object.password), value: '' %> # <% else %> # <%= f.text_field :password, placeholder: 'Your password' %> # <% end %> # # on controller side restore original password if new is not provided # if @isp.password.present? && !isp_params[:password].present? # # keep old password # params[:isp][:password] = @isp.password # end def hidden_with_stars(text) return '' unless text.present? if text.length > 2 text.first + '*' * (text.length - 2) + text.last else '*' * text.length end end
- when generating model under admin namespace you need to use foreign_key since
model name is without
but tables are withadmin_
# app/models/admin/page.rb class Admin::Page < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :run, foreign_key: :admin_run_id end # also for run class Admin::Run < ApplicationRecord has_many :pages, dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: :admin_run_id end
and always use
for variable names, for exampleadmin_run.pages.each {|admin_page| }
. - find column type using
- find all association names for model
User.reflect_on_all_associations.map &:name # => [:roles, :user_activities]
- Rails 5 mailers uses with and params
UserMailer.with(user: @user).welcome_email.deliver_later
- upgrading from 4.2 to 5.0 https://www.fastruby.io/blog/rails/upgrades/upgrade-rails-from-4-2-to-5-0#config-files
- look at differences http://railsdiff.org/4.2.10/
- change
gem 'rails'. '~> 5.0.0'
and runbundle update rails
to see which gems should also be upgraded
- debug find where it is redirected use overwritted redirect_to
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb def redirect_to(options = {}, response_status = {}) ::Rails.logger.error("Redirected by #{caller(1).first rescue "unknown"}") super(options, response_status) end
- Rack middleware https://medium.com/@shashwat12june/rack-and-rack-middleware-f93513ac92a6
You can skip Rails in rack middleware if you return like this example
class FilterLocalHost def initialize(app) @app = app enddef call(env) req = Rack::Request.new(env) if req.ip == "" || req.ip == "::1" [403, {}, ["forbidden"]] else @app.call(env) end end end
- extract link from text, for example extract url from email
text = all_emails.last.body.to_s END_CHARS = %{.,'?!:;} links = URI.extract(text, ['http']).collect { |u| END_CHARS.index(u[-1]) ? u.chop : u }
- result model
# confir/initializers/result.rb class Result attr_accessor :message, :data # Example of returning results, for example in service: # return Result.new 'Next task created', next_task: next_task # and use in controller: # if result.success? && result.data[:next_task] == task def initialize(message, data = {}) @message = message @data = OpenStruct.new data end def success? true end end class Error < Result def success? false end end
- template runner https://guides.rubyonrails.org/rails_application_templates.html
# on existing app rails app:template LOCATION=~/template.rb
- before Rails 5 we used
to get original value of some field. That previous value can be read in any hook, for exampleafter_validation
you can read foroperator_id && operator_id_was
. but in Rails 6 we use.previous_changes
which list all columns that was changed https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveModel/Dirty.html or https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/AttributeMethods/Dirty.html to list what is goinog to be changed.changes_to_save
@member_profile.previous_changes {"zip"=>["07068", "07065"], "updated_at"=>[Tue, 22 Jun 2021 08:41:40.987696000 UTC +00:00, Tue, 22 Jun 2021 08:41:41.454602000 UTC +00:00]}
- add delay in response
# before_action :_sleep_some_time def _sleep_some_time sleep 2 end
- to add message without column use
errors.add :base, 'msg'
so it will show something likeerrors.full_messages # 'msg'
(no mention of the column) - for string columns we should have validation for length since there are errors
ActiveRecord::ValueTooLong (PG::StringDataRightTruncation: ERROR: value too long for type character varying(100)
so - error is raise when using a string for unsafe funtions so just wrap
https://api.rubyonrails.org/v5.2/classes/ActiveRecord/UnknownAttributeReference.html.order(Arel.sql('COALESCE(last_message_created_at, created_at) desc'))
- you can use images from
after you import to packrequire.context('../images', true)
and you can use in rails like
<%= image_pack_tag 'media/images/name_of_image.jpg' %> <img src="<%= asset_pack_path 'media/images/name_of_image.jpg' %>" width="100%" height="100%" alt=" demo instructions"></img>
- common errors in rails
- use
enum status: %i[initialized]
and add a check in controllerif @payment.initialized?
and later add another state that is similar to initialized but you forgot to update all places where we need to check status
enum status: %i[initialized draft] if @payment.initialized? || @payment.draft?
- use
- InvalidAuthenticityToken https://stackoverflow.com/a/60394170/287166 and rails https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/21948 I reproduce by opening two tabs and on second log in and log out, session is invalid so when I log in on first tab, I got an error. Two solutions:
- extend session store to cookie
- refresh if no token.
# find the name in Storage in developer tools # config/initializers/session_store.rb Rails.application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_myapp_session', expire_after: 2.weeks
but that will keep user log in after closing the browser (like Remember me button).
Second solution is to add no-store no-cache https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/21948#issuecomment-205371135
* dotenv nice gem to load env to ruby. If you want to load to shell you can
set -o allexport; source .env; set +o allexport
- fake phone us mobile +12025550123
- show page inside iframe
<iframe width='100%' height="500px" srcdoc=" <%= @run.response.gsub '"', "'" %> '></iframe>
on w3school we can see the page https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_iframe so we can try similar locally using caddy ssl server
- show json pretty_print with
JSON.pretty_generate hash
change database with
rails db:system:change --to=postgresql
- gem sequel you can create schema with
DB = Sequel.connect(...) DB.extension :schema_dumper puts DB.dump_schema_migration File.write 'tmp/db.schema', DB.dump_schema_migration
- when loading some files that do not follow naming convention
2022-09-16T11:09:38.133430+00:00 app[web.1]: /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/zeitwerk-2.6.0/lib/zeitwerk/loader/helpers.rb:127:in `const_get': uninitialized constant Overrides (NameError) raise Zeitwerk::NameError.new("expected file #{file} to define constant #{cpath}, but didn't", cref.last)
- adding wild card domain to hosts to allow any subdomain you do not need to use
star, just use dot like
. For multiple level subdomains you need to use regexp# config/application.rb config.hosts << /.*gitpod.io/
- to chech if variable exists in template you can use
# app/views/users/show.html.erb if local_assigns[:user].present? <%= user.email %> end
- rails one time command `rails runner -e staging “puts “
- reduce memory with env variable:
TODO: track memory usage with aws - kaminari first page is page 1
- copy files from ruby
def self.initialize_fixture_blob return if File.exist? "#{Rails.root}/tmp/storage/or/9s/or9sbwfely5gby30qdvtoa1cu09a" FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{Rails.root}/tmp/storage/or/9s" FileUtils.cp( "#{Rails.root}/test/fixtures/files/computer_text.png", "#{Rails.root}/tmp/storage/or/9s/or9sbwfely5gby30qdvtoa1cu09a" ) end
- contact form should use recaptcha but also check for the content