Native login

Since mobile can use sdk to login user, it should be done native (android activity). After Firebase auth you should pass the token to the webview (do not pass user.getUid() since that wont change)

That accessToken can be validated in ruby

There is a firebase-ruby gem but only wrapper for Real time database REST API

Turbolinks You just need to use <com.basecamp.turbolinks.TurbolinksView and override visitProposedToLocationWithAction. Look at demo app.


Option to use email of mobile app notifications.

Android Emulator

I found that genymotion works fine. Just install google play services after drag and drop those two files, you need to logs in and open Google+ which will trigger update of Google play services. You can use same login on all emulators. If genymotion emulator dissapears, run adb kill-server to clean connections.

For first message you need to wait minute or two. But than it works instantly.